We just returned from Toronto. Traveling is definitely a different experience than it used to be. I can remember the days that I savored the 5 hour flight to catch up on reading, maybe knit, catch a flick... NOT ANY MORE. With that being said, Isaac did extremely well on the plane. It is just hard entertaining a 5 month old with very limited resources and space.
Papa and gramma put a lot of time and energy into preparing their home for izzy, and it worked beautifully. The transition to the pack and play was seamless. He slept through the night the entire time, and was in a great mood. He visited with all of his cousins, aunts and uncles and friends which seemed overwhelming for the little one, but he handled it great.
Now that we are home it seems that Isaac is still adjusting. Last night he was up a couple times which is very unusual for him, but I think it is the time change, and am hoping in the next couple days we return to his old fabulous sleep schedule.
All in all a great trip, exhausting but totally necessary.
Couldn't have been that bad because we already booked tickets to return in August. Cant wait to see everyone again.
It was two years ago that David broke the glass... and they have flown by.
I love you David. You hold my heart.
I was woken today by Isaac and David with a wonderful surprise for my first mother's day! It definitely made me smile. I have to say that mother's day has more meaning now that I am a mother. After the morning at home, we spent the rest of the day at Bub's house with Bubie Y and family for brunch. Bub also gave me a charm bracelet that belonged to my Dad's mother, Magda. I love my new keepsake as it every charm gives me some insight into where she may have traveled, and what types of things she found appealing.I had a wonderful first mother's day, and feel so lucky to be a part of this new group of worriers. As the book my mom bought me for mothers day says, "motherhood is not for sissies"... and amen to that sisters.
David and I have been looking to join a synagogue for quite a while and we finally have found on that feels like home. Lat week we took a tour of the campus, and yesterday we joined Stephen S. Wise Synagogue. They have a BEAUTIFUL facility with lots of family activities. They also have elementary, junior high, and high school if we choose to go that route. In addition, I am going to be doing a mommy and me class with Isaac starting in July. We are really excited to be members of this new community.