This morning we visited Dr. Shulman's office for Isaac's six month checkup. His most recent stats...
Weight: 15lb 7oz.
(15th percentile)
Height: 25 1/2"
(30th percentile)
We asked about Isaac's recent crankiness, or what I like to call, who took my baby and left me with the devil (just kidding). I attribute it to teething. Dr. Shulman does not think teething is the reason, and believes it is more likely the age. When I got home I noticed a second tooth popping through (bottom left). I am now convinced my little guy is in pain. In addition, the Tylenol we have been giving for the vaccinations seems to be making him less cranky. Maybe its helping the teeth???
Anyway, other than the teething stuff, he spoke with us briefly about feeding. He seemed to think we could give Issac anything we wanted with the exception of peanut butter and honey. Everything I have read gives some limitations per age. I think we will fall somewhere in the middle, being cautiously forward minded about the whole thing. Hey in India, babies are eating curry by now.
I cant believe only six months ago this was me, and that was Isaac. It feels like years ago and yesterday at the same time. Happy to say I feel much more like myself today. Back in my old clothes, active and hiking, and even cooking dinner and enjoying it on the patio with David. That little bundle, wrapped in the cedars blanket, and turned my life upside down... or maybe right side up. I love my life. I love my Isaac. Everything is in the right place.
We have officially opened the pool for business, and have been enjoying it thoroughly. Izyy has taken to swims with dad, and being outside in the afternoon. Lots of sunscreen, a little hat, and a swimmer diaper is all we need for a wonderful lazy Sunday.
Little Izzy was chomping on my finger this morning when I noticed it felt a little different than normal. I peeked in to find... thats right.. a tooth! Just poking through the surface on the lower right side. I have noticed that he has been a little fussier than normal, but nothing totally unusual. No huge drooling, or mouthing (other than his usual stuff), and his sleeping has been great. The only thing that I noticed was that he has been completely repulsed by solids the last couple days. I tried bananas yesterday and today, and there was no way he was eating it. I switched to sweet potatoes, an old favorite to see if it was the bananas, and he wasn't interested. Perhaps its the tooth. I have to say that I felt I tiny bit of sadness when I saw the little tooth... I will miss that gummy grin. Yet another reminder that he is growing up all too fast for me.
David wrote a long and thoughtful blog entry... and the technical gods somehow threw it away. So I wanted to write a quick entry to say : happy daddys day! It has been so amazing to watch the bond grown between David and Isaac. When David walks in the room or comes home from work, Isaac lights up. He loves his daddy time in the morning and evening too. We love you and are so thankful for all of your help and support.
Today we had Cynthia Epps, and infant foods specialist, come over to speak with us about starting Isaac on solids. I made some yams in the morning so that she could show us how offer Isaac some food. She was wonderful. We learned a lot about what foods he should be eating, in what order, how many times a day, and what to avoid. We will be starting with sweet potatoes and moving on from there.
As uncle andrew so poignantly commented:
Look out foie gras and caviare!
Like most babies Isaac has taken an extreme liking to my hair. Pulling it and eating it has become a daily delight. Considering mommy's hair is falling out on its own accord, Isaac's new habit isn't helping much... but were hoping its a phase. Unless I pull a Britney Spears, I will be enduring the pain for a while longer.