I spent the afternoon at Allie's baby shower for soon to come Samuel. Gail and mom hosted the event at Boccacio's on the Westlake Lake. Miraculously the rain clouds cleared for a beautiful afternoon. The room was filled with baby blue, games were played, and good lunch was had by all. I knit little Samuel a USC hat, and we gave them a great Storyopolis basket filled with all sorts of unusual titles. We are getting very excited to meet little Samuel.Only four more weeks until his expected due date.
This video is a little dark as it was captured on my parents point and shoot camera, but we had to grab something fast as Isaac was taking his first steps. He now will walk several steps between David and I, but he isn't yet initiating his own walking between distant objects. This new achievement has brought with it many scary falls and accidents. Yesterday, within the matter of thirty minutes, Isaac tumbled over his stroller cutting his lip, as I ran to grab a kleenext to dab the blood he pulled a glass off of the kitchen table. I finally strapped him into his highchair so I could clean up the destruction around the house. Then came the vacuum cleaner to pick up the glass. Mr. Isaac has a great fear of the large creature so there was lots of crying and panicking. It was a very stressful couple of hours.
It is so exciting to see the look in his eye as he begins to assert his independence. He is incredible proud of his new accomplishment as are we.
Today was Isaac's first birthday party filled with an abundance of orange and yellow treats. Everyone pitched in to make his day special. Elyse created wonderful balloon arches and bouquets, auntie allie made the lovely flowers, and bub even made an ernie and bert our of fruits and veggies. uncle andrew spent endless hours helping me cook and clean, and daddy was made it all possible by keeping isaac occupied. as exhausting as it was, it was worth it. although isaac really didn't know what was going on, it was a true celebration for our family. we made it one year, and not only did we 'make it' but we rocked it. Here's to year #2...
David and I spent New Year's eve, as usual, at home. We relaxed, made a nice dinner, and watched some horrible tube. It was a very nice time. Today we had the Gehle's over for brunch. We ate, and ate. The kids played, and for the first time they actually played together. It was so great to see them interacting with one and other. Isaac was in his element, and stella was great about sharing and giving Isaac lots of love. The pushed the shopping cart around, played on the picnic table, and Stella taught Isaac some of her ticks. By the time she left Isaac was taking two or three steps from one object to the next. He is so close to walking on his own. The Sorens are so looking forward to 2008. We hope to live a cleaner, greener life. To love and enjoy, and to do everything in our power to feel healthy and whole. To everyone who takes the time to read our blog: may you find love, peace, happiness, and fulfillment in 2008.