Yesterday we spent a joy filled afternoon with the Gehle's at Paradise Cove. Thanks to Erin's tip, we made a reservation for lunch at the restaurant (or we would have been waiting 2.5 hours). We had a quick bite, and then let the kiddies romp around in the sand. To our surprise, Isaac loved the water, continuing to run up to the waves. We couldn't keep him away. Stella chose to carry her beach toys back and forth to the shore, staying a safe distance away from the water at all times (a girl after my own heart). At the end of the day, the kids were exhausted, so we decided to call it quits. Erin, being the prepared mother she always is, brought a change of clothes for stella. Mama Hailey had to use Dada David's socks as Isaacs new pants. It worked just fine, and he slept peacefully all the way home.
It has been a year in the making, and for Ms. Erin a year and a half, but this past Sunday we packed our bags and headed out for a girls weekend in San Francisco. We took an early flight out and checked into the St. Regis Hotel for a weekend of pure bliss. It mainly consisted of eating, shopping, eating, and then more shopping. The highlights of eating were The Slanted Door, Miette, Zuni Cafe (that chicken!)... and shopping... Heyes Valley, Fillmore Street, Sacks Fith Avenue, Nordies. Best of all was the company. E was the perfect travel companion and a joy to be around. I am hoping to make this a bi-annual adventure, choosing a new overnight location each time. We slept in until 9:30!!! had breakfast at noon!!! had enough time to try on shoes using both hands!!! didn't carry a diaper bag!!! shared a bottle of wine!!! AND ENJOYED EVERY SINGLE SMALL PLEASURE WE COULD. Thank you E for a wonderful time. Wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. xoxo
It has been an absolutely insane few days around here. Friday Isaac and I went to see a house on Woodcliff that David really liked (and that I blew off) back in December. Upon the first few steps into the place, I knew it was the home for our family. It just had that Soren feeling. Of course it isn't in the area that we were thinking we would land in, and the street is a little busier than we would like, but in we have learned in this process that no house is perfect, and that there are trade offs. We put an offer on the house Friday night, we countered back and forth, and we are now officially... in escrow! Of course on top of it, we need to now sell our first love on Avenida Del Sol, but we are hopeful that it will all go smoothly and quickly despite the market. In my tradition of being cautiously optimistic, I wont post photos until 30 days until today when escrow closes, but we are very happy and excited.