As winter turns to summer here in LA, we seem to be spending a lot of time at the beach. This is inpart thanks to mom and dads new beach house on Silverstand Beach. Today we headed out there for a day of R&R in the sun. The weather was near perfect, we had a fun lunch at a hole in the wall in walking distance to the house, and we played on the sand for the majority of the day. We are all very excited about this new home, and its potential for the future. Hope to be beack next weekend!

It has been more than a year in the making, but finally we received Isaac's proof of Canadian citizenship. David and I both feel incredibly proud to be Canadian, and so it is only fitting that Isaac share the privilege. The photo you see above took two seperate attempts, and about an hour and a half to achieve. There was something very important about seeing both ears. Who knows ??? We hope that over the years, with Isaacs many visits to our homeland, that he too shares a love and a pride for a place David and I care so deeply for. And hey, with presidents like Bush... who knows when we may need to flee the country at a moments notice. Anythings possible!
Oh, C A N A D A !!!
Im officially Auntie Hailey! Baby Samuel came into the world on his father's birthday, March 01 2008 at 8:47pm. He is a big boy, weighing 8lb 12oz. I would say that he has Ally's mouth and nose, and Jamie's eyes. Ally was a champ, enduring almost three hours of pushing. As I told her just after she delivered Samuel, her mother would be so proud of her. I know she is here, watching over Ally, Jamie, and Samuel. It is obvious in Allie's strength and determination that her mother is here with us. We (the sorens) are so excited for Ally and Jamie and the new journey they are about to begin. We are intimately familiar with the ups and downs of those first few months, and are here to support them in any way possible. Mostly, we are so excited to have another boy in the family, a playmate for Isaac, and a nephew for David and I. Welcome Samuel! You will be loved.