His vocabulary is rapidly developing. "Bubie" is a very popular one right now. All X5, M6, and Ferrari get a "Bubie" shout out from the back seat. "Meow" = cat. "Moo" = cow. "Ssss..." = snake. "Neigh" = horse. "Bow wow" = dog. "Boll" = ball. "Momo" = elmo. "Nananana" (elmo theme song) = elmo. "Nana" = banana "Vroom"= truck
The list is long...
Isaac has been enjoying swimming. He is starting to dunk his head. He had his first shower this week. He hates anyone touching behind his ears, hated his hair being cut, didn't like Dr. Shulman probing him, and wants nobody touching his "tutu" ;)
He loves to give kisses and hugs, he does a fabulous eskimo kiss. Is more than happy to lift your shirt to show you your belly button. And is a little lover.
He is getting more comfortable with separating. Today was the first day at gym day care with no tears, and he is getting along swimmingly with Jill. Blankie is the end all be all, and 3.5 hour naps are the standard.
I feel like each day he is working on something new. And each day I am reminded of all the little things I take for granted.
Isaac, thank you for all you have given me. Never thought I would say this, but hangin' with a 18month old has taught me more about life than anything I have ever done.
ILS:: 18 months:: 23lbs (20%) 33" (75%)