We are rapidly approaching the two year mark, and every day this parenting thing becomes more and more fun. Isaac has become very interactive. He is able to participate in some capacity in almost everything we do. He is no longer just along for the ride, but very much riding shot gun. He is making the most amazing connections between things. His memory and language are both astonishing and confidence is slowly growing alongside his autonomy.
Some of his favorites de jour:
- trucks trucks cars trucks
- anything dirty, the word dirty, dirty trucks, pointing out dirt
- 'pea balls', hot dogs, noodles, meatballs, ice pops
- "me" "mine" "me eat" "me night night"
- cars, the movie
- "max" from where the wild things are
- doing 'art... outside'
- naming what colors things are: black, white, blue, red, pink, green
- saying hello and goodbye, and giving high fives
- really delicious hugs and kisses where he holds your hair and pulls you towards him
- an insane love for chocolate
- 'neck' (giraffe) turtle, 'manda' (panda)
- 'money milk' or 'money' his blanket
He is repeating almost any word you say and everyday is using more and more of them. Mostly he just seems very content. Of course there are days of total mayhem, tantrums, dissent... and well yes... he can be a total pain in the ***... but hes our pain in the *** and we cant wait to see whats next.
Just returned from a trip to Toronto to see Leila and family. As hesistant as I was to leave after just leaving Isaac, it was so much fun to spend some relaxing time with my girls. We completed season one of Gossip Girls, Gossiped, and well... didn't do much else. OK... we did go for a beautiful long walk down a fall tree lined path that reminded me that there are seasons in other parts of the world. Each day I was there the temperature dropped another 10 degrees, and on the last day... snow had arrived. Happy to get back to nintey degree sunny California, but as alaways, sad to leave those I love.
Pooner... Till 122208... I love you.
It had been a while since I had been back to NY, so I was very much looking forward to exploring the city outside of business travel. My (our) first baby-less trip was filled with adventure, exploration, independence, frienship, food, architecture, art, shopping, walking, and a whole lot of talking.
David caught the plague of 2008 prior to my leaving. This in combination with an insane work schedule made it impossible for him to join which meant I was flying solo.
Our party of three did pretty well considering, and I felt lucky to spend my time in such good company. Both of my Gehle's were incredibly gracious in including me throughout, and I inturn tried to be the best third wheel I knew how :)
A special thank you to Raylene and Fil who planned a fantastic night in Brooklyn for their Cali guests. Seeing you two always reminds me of what great company I kept while in school. You both continue to inspire and propel my behind forward. Looking forward to repaying the kindness upon your next trip to the sun. xo. All my love.