David and I have noticed a real change in Isaac this past month. There has been a huge increase in his general energy level. He is like a tornado, circling the house at top speed ALL THE TIME. He runs and runs and runs (claims he is getting exercise) and is mostly interested in very physical activities. David and I are woken every morning with a jump on the bed, and a "GOOD MORNING" or a "HI SWEETIE" at top volume, followed by some toy rolling over our head or back. Then a loud shriek of pleasure... "BYE BYE"... ISAAC'S GOING IN THE LIVING ROOM"..."SEE YOU ALLIGATOR". Then he jumps off the bed and sings some melody he has made up all the way to the living room.
At the park he is climbing more aggressively, trying more challenging activities, and very interested in the many ways he can use a single piece of equipment. He loves going down the slide 'backwards', and has started becoming very good at climbing ladder type equipment. It is obvious he is exploring and testing his physical limits. In addition, he seems much more comfortable in his own skin. He has a different sense of confidence, and is very much able to just be in a moment. He is free.
This past weekend at the beach he spent and hour running in the sand, then rolling in the sand, then lying, and lounging, and climbing... It was an amazing joy to watch him in his element. He spent time independently, just being. Immersed in the cold damp earth below, he seemed very much at peace.
(Isaac and David making 'monster' faces on the Eiffel Tower (lifeguard tower).) The three of us spent a very playful weekend at the Beach House, kicking back and indulging in everything we enjoy as a family. We has some great meals, enjoyed the sun, read a bunch, frolicked in the sand, and splashed in the sea.Happy Birthday David. We love you!!! Hope the weekend was filled with all of your loves.
Isaac's school's spring parade was the first time he participated in a school wide event independently. I was originally told he was going to be a cucumber, but to my delite, out walked the cutest bunch of grapes I had seen. The kids were all responsible for making their own costumes which included dying, cutting, painting, gluing, and assembling. Once they were complete they were allowed to trade with their friends if they preferred a different costume. Apparently, Isaac prefers grapes.
He seemed fairly overwhelmed throughout the parade, but also aware he was a part of something larger than himself. For a toddler, this is huge. Bubie and Papu surprised him and showed up for a peek at the event before they headed off to Asia. Isaac and I celebrated his big day with strawberry milkshakes at Mel's.