Today was Isaac's last day in the Red Room with teachers Vanessa and Marybell. As David and I watched through the school's window out to the playground we were amazed in the changes Isaac has made in a few short months. In January Isaac stuck with his teachers, or sat on the bench watching his friends play. Today he ran around playfully, engaged in all activities, and looked like he was having a great time while doing so. It was an emotional day, saying goodbye to the little classroom where Isaac got his start, but also a joyful one knowing he is leaving a much more self confidant and self sufficient little boy. I felt so proud of all he had acomlished and all he was willing to let into his little world. In just a week Isaac will start into his older two's class with many of his friends from the red room. He knows he is now 'too big' for the red room, and seems accepting of the transition and change that is upon him. I can only hope that his expereince in his new class is as wonderful as the one he just graduated from.
I have recently noticed little things that spew out of isaac's brain that very much surprise me. Once your child starts going to school, and he begins learning from a much richer fabric of sources and people, he comes home with thoughts and ideas, facts and tidbits that every day make me smile, and beg the question of, where did he pick THAT up.
This morning Isaac brought me the "W" from his alphabet puzzle, and said, "W starts with Whale". Granted, that isn't exactly the case, I understood his intent, and couldn't believe he had picked that up. He proceeded to tell me about other letters, and what they 'start with'.
Other funny little things he has mentioned... 'The turtles at school aren't 'hibernating' any more'. A Bob Marley song came on the radio, and he identified it as a Bob Marley song (apparently something his class dances to at school). He is able to sing from start to finish "Rock-a-bye-baby", "Old Mac Donald", Twinkle Twinkle, ABC, and a slue of other songs often putting himself to sleep by practicing. He knows we live on 'Woodcliff Road'. He understands emotions, what makes him sad and happy, and has become increasingly sensitive to how his actions make others feel. He has a new found interest in sea life and can identify most sea creatures by name. He has new animal friends who must sleep in his crib. They all have spots, and purposes. Beaver must have his own money milk, and is located in the top right side of the crib. Little turtle sleeps in the top middle, and octopus sleeps on the top left side of the crib. Nothing else is to be in the crib.
If you ask him to do something, he just might listen. He can bring you a diaper, clean up toys in the other room, and do small tasks even when you aren't watching over him.
He has come close to memorization on many books and movies. He can point out obscure things in books ( Eiffel Tower, Paris, Baked Beans, Parachutes, Scary Forests, Jupiter) and knows when Ursula is about to appear in The Little Mermaid and demands it is fast forwarded.
He remembers everything that is promised to him and reminds you throughout the day, in detail, verbatim.
I could continue to list because it truly is the most amazing age. Every day there is something I want to jot down, or make a mental note of. He amazes me, keeps me on my toes, and just the thought of him easily makes me smile.
Who knew love could grow. and grow. and grow.