Monday, December 13, 2010

Coco is One


We somehow got here faster than I ever imagined. Only a year later, and my tiny baby is now a little person full of expressions and joy, and very clear about what she likes and doesn't. This first year was not without struggle. But with saying that, I will also say that each milestone was filled with so much more happiness and appreciation. In many ways I have gotten to experience her as a 'baby' for longer than a normally developing child, and the slowness of it all has been a gift knowing this is my last time mothering a 0-12.
I am now seeing the light. She is so close to making all sorts of physical connections. As soon as she can stabilize her pelvis she will be crawling and walking and moving, and I do believe when that happens she will be swift and fierce and something to reckoned with. She is still in therapy twice a week which continues to help. Each day I see improvement and motivation to get going.
Her fine motor is more than fine. She is stacking and putting things in, taking out, playing instruments with intent, eating well, grabbing.
She knows yes and no, and can tell by intonation the difference between a question and a statement. Until recently all food was ending up on the floor, but we have quickly realized if you don't pay attention to her while she is testing that out, it doesn't last. She goes through periods of wanting to eat, and wanting nothing to do with it, and we respect both. I have started weaning her to milk which at first was a disaster, but now seems to be understood and accepted. Yes! This means freedom for mama during her days which I haven't yet figured out what to do with.
Coco weighs about 15 pounds. A tiny babe, but an amazingly beautiful one who is far bigger than her size in so many ways. We have recently bought her shoes to start getting her used to the idea, and she is smitten with them. She loves her little dollhouse, her bus, blocks, rings, cars, trucks, and her big brother.
Coco's one year iron test showed her to be anemic (like mama)and in need of some daily iron drops to help give her the boost she needs.
She is light and warmth and love, and the icing on our lives. How lucky we are to spend each day in her presence, and to learn from her strength, strong will, courage, and determination. I look up to her everyday.
Happy Birthday baby girl.