Mom and I took Coco to Vancouver at the beginning of the month, and that trip really flipped a bunch of switches in her little brain. Her language exploded. She finally found her 'e' sound and was able to say 'momm-y or bub-ie'. It was amazing to hear because up until that point she would call a baby 'baba'. I credit so much of her speech to our speech therapist who is amazing in almost every way. We debated the idea of paying out of pocket for speech for a long while, but it was the best decision we ever made. The therapist has suggest that Coco will most likely be done with therapy within the month, but I am not so sure about that. It seems like we still have some work to do, but the gap has most certainly narrowed, and the end is very much in sight.

This summer Isaac was given a sunflower from his teachers.When we received it, it was about 4" tall, with a single leaf. Isaac and I have both been working together to keep the sunflower alive over the past several months. We bring it inside when it is too hot, We move it around depending on where the sun is, and we give it water every day - upon which Isaac always asks, 'when is the flower going to come'. I am pleased to announce that we have a flower! Here is the latest photo of our sunflower standing proud.