Monday, May 28, 2012

Potty Training, Again.

When I first found out I was pregnant with my second, one of the first thoughts that ran through my head was, (insert curse word here) I have to potty train another kid. Potty training Isaac for whatever reason really stressed me out. We ended up in a power struggle - probably because our personalities are oh so similar- and it just wasn't a fond or pleasant memory. With all that being said, it happened quickly, and within a week he was potty trained and the diapers were ditched for good.
I had heard that potty training a girl was 'easier' and that it usually occurred at a younger age, but with all of the developmental delay and physical setbacks we have had with Coco I somehow doubted this would be true for her. I wasn't sure she had the leg strength to sit down and get up off the potty, pull her pants down, or even push out what she needed to, but at right about 2 years 3 months it was clear she was very ready. She was telling me every time she went to the bathroom. It seemed like an opportune time to give it a try as we were about a month away from transitioning to preschool, and we had a week with very little going on.
She woke up on Monday morning, we told her it was time to say goodbye to diapers and hello to underwear, and we just went cold turkey. She was very excited about the underwear and all of the characters on them. She wasn't happy that I didn't let her wear them for the first couple days. I didn't want her to feel like she was wearing a diaper and forget that she was wearing underwear. This strategy is what finally helped Isaac make the connection so I thought I would start there first with Coco.
I also promised myself that this time around I would be relaxed and follow her cues. That first day she really didn't want to use the potty. It was as if she had a fear of peeing into something other than a diaper. She would scream bloody murder until she started peeing, and then finally calm down. This went on for the first two days, but the key was she knew when she has to go and where to do it. She did hold it in for the first little while, really not wanting to use the potty, but she always ended up going and not having an accident. Finally she started getting used to it (gummy bears helped) and would go over and sit on the potty when she needed to. I then knew she was ready for underwear.
The most helpful thing with Coco was asking her 'can I hear your pee pee' and then she magically would produce one. There was something about the noise that helped relax her and take the anxiety away. Very bravely we proceeded with out plan to go to Disneyland on day four of potty training. At this point she would only use her little potty, so we brought it with (a memory I will never forget). She held it in for the first couple hours, but finally used it, and we ended up having an accident free and very fun day at the park.
Number twos are a whole other story. She has been constipated since she was a baby, so it is no surprise that this continues to be a challenge. She will go in the potty, but it is full of theatrics and what appears to be genuine pain. We have started on a Miralax regimen which seems to be helping, but like most kids she holds it at school and only goes in the comfort of her own home. There is always a little crying involved, but it is getting better.
Potty training has given her a new sense of her own 'parts'. She refers to hers as a 'Pagina' and all of the sudden knows the difference between males and females. There is nothing like being in line at whole foods and having her ask me, loudly, if the cashier has a 'penis'.
She is pulling her clothes up and down to the best of her ability and as long as there is an elastic waist she is able to use the potty on her own. She is only kid in her preschool class who is potty trained, and she never needed diapers while she napped or slept. It is pretty amazing, and fortunately came much more easily than I anticipated. I have dreamed of the day when diapers were no more, and I am thrilled it is here. We have ditched the diaper genie, no longer have a change table, and donated all of are wipes and diapers. It has made me feel like I have to 'big kids' and no more babies, but when it comes to changing diapers, that is A-OK with me.

Friday, May 11, 2012


A year ago this time it was very hard to motivate Isaac to want to do any extracurricular activities. It was the first time that he was going a full day to school and not napping, and when I would pick him up he was bone tired. We could barely make it out of the parking lot without him falling asleep, and once he did crash he was very cranky when I tried to rouse him for anything it was almost impossible.

As the year progressed and he got used to his new extended schedule, we started Karate. Unlike many of the things we had tried in the past it seemed that he genuinely loved it. He was focused and interested always wanting to practice, and curious when he would work towards next belts.

Since starting he has achieved two new belts, and is on his way for his third. He is now a 'Lion', no longer a 'Tiger Tot' and beginning to spar and learn some actual martial arts techniques. It has been great for his confidence, and fun to watch him learn and grow.

We also are doing 't-ball' for the second year in a row. Last year we did it with our local parks and recreation center. The program was overcrowded, not well coached, and consequently none of us enjoyed it very much. It is amazing what a little organization and a dedicated coach will do! This year Isaac is no longer using the T, but is hitting balls pitched by the coach. He understands the concept of where to run after he hits, and has started catching and throwing much more proficiently. Most importantly he looks forward to it, and seems to really enjoy playing.

Coco continues to do Hippotherapy, but in addition has been dancing once a week. She is in an independent ballet/tap class that is the highlight of her week. She had no problem separating from me, and just loves dancing along to the music. Mainly she loves wearing a tutu and is amazed by the sounds her tap make on the wood floor. Her first recital is in a couple of weeks, and it will be so adorable to watch her and her little dancer buddies attempt to follow some type of choreography.