We spent tonight with the Gehle's and their 10 week old bundle, Stella. We dined on homemade pizza's and cupcakes... and David and I picked Shawn and Erin's brain about all things related to babycare. David spent some time holding Stella in different positions, and learning from Shawn's example.
In terms of our pregnancy, we met with Dr. Rabin this week, and interviewed a pediatrician, Dr. Waldstein. The Dr. Rabin appointment was uneventful. Everything thing looked good, and as of now the baby is in a great position, head down butt up. We also really liked Dr. Waldstein, and have decided to use him as our pediatrician.
I have been suffering from a ton of heartburn and indigestion. Tums have become my best friend. I am also having more trouble sleeping than I used to as it is hard to find a comfortable position. We can now see the babies movement on the surface of my stomach and it slithers around under the skin. It is both amazing, and VERY strange to observe.
David and I spent this week of the pregnancy along the Oregon coast. Once I have organized the photos I will do a seperate post about our trip.It was great getting away for a week... at times I almost forgot I was pregnant. I was lucky as my body was really good to me. With the exception of the usual heartburn and indigestion, I felt really good and was able to enjoy the trip at full force. The nibblet can now reach new places and is able to kick me in the ribs. The activity has dramatically increased, and is very reassuring to feel.

Yesterday maked my graduation from Epicurean's Pro Chef 1 program. After 24 weeks of gastronomic delight, I now feel fairly confidant in the kitchen when it comes to just about anything. Our final class consisted of an "Iron Chef" battle... secret ingredient: chicken. Despite the fact that my culinary education was classical french training, I decided to go with some gourmet pizzas. Pizza #1: basil pesto base, grilled tomatoes, fontina cheese, dijon marinated chicken tenders, parmesean topping. Pizza #2: olive tapanade base, roasted garlic, goat/feta cheese, grilled onions, ground chicken and shallot topping. The teacher decided not to do an official judging (boo!) but the pizza's were very well recieved. I still have two more weeks of Pro Baking 2, and that will be it until after the nibblet comes along.
I have just started feeling some jabs to the ribs. The little nibblet has developed quite a strong kick. Apparently its head to toe length this week is over 15 inches... so it makes sense that I am starting to feel some more intense movement.
Had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Rabin this week. Heard the little heart beat on witht he doppler. Dr. Rabin gave us a couple suggestions for pediatritions that David and I will have to interview in the next month.
David and I ordered our nursery furniture yesterday. It made the fact that we will have a third Soren seem all the more real. We were both really pleased with all of the pieces we got. Special thanks to Bubie and Papu Friedman for the crib and changing pad!
Spent some time knitting with Bubie Y this week. Almost finished with the Turtle and Chimunk. Of course I need Bubs help to finish it to perfection. Also started painting the dots in the nursery. Have a few more dots to paint along with cleaning the edges up, but I am liking the way it is turning out.
David and I just got back from seeing "The Departed" and the grove. I liked it a lot more than expected. David loved it as expected. Picked up some Wood Ranch take out that I am about to endulge in. More next week...
I cant believe we are at Week 26! As we enter the 3rd trimester exciting things have started to happen. The little "nibblet" as we call him or her has been incredibly active (especially at night). I can now see kicks and punches on the surface of my stomach, and David is having a much easier time feeling the movement as well. My back pain has been persistent, but the heating pad seems to help. I also pinched a nerve in my neck this week - yuck!
I made some great progress on cleaning out our hosue this week, and David helped by making a giant delivery to Good Will. I am starting to feel like all of the organizing may actually get acomplished.
Today after a ton of cleaning we checked out "The Last Kiss", and made a stop at Amoeba records. I shouldn't forget to mention our fantasic lunch at The Artesian Cheese Gallery. Finally we have found something that rivals Silverlake's "Say Cheese". Our sandwhiches were to die for. We are hoping for some much needed R&R tomorrow, and a little sushi at Katsu-ya.