I have just started feeling some jabs to the ribs. The little nibblet has developed quite a strong kick. Apparently its head to toe length this week is over 15 inches... so it makes sense that I am starting to feel some more intense movement.
Had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Rabin this week. Heard the little heart beat on witht he doppler. Dr. Rabin gave us a couple suggestions for pediatritions that David and I will have to interview in the next month.
David and I ordered our nursery furniture yesterday. It made the fact that we will have a third Soren seem all the more real. We were both really pleased with all of the pieces we got. Special thanks to Bubie and Papu Friedman for the crib and changing pad!
Spent some time knitting with Bubie Y this week. Almost finished with the Turtle and Chimunk. Of course I need Bubs help to finish it to perfection. Also started painting the dots in the nursery. Have a few more dots to paint along with cleaning the edges up, but I am liking the way it is turning out.
David and I just got back from seeing "The Departed" and the grove. I liked it a lot more than expected. David loved it as expected. Picked up some Wood Ranch take out that I am about to endulge in. More next week...
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