This has been such a great Thanksgiving weekend. David and I had a yummy dinner thursday and mom and dad Friedman's house. Every one contributed something delicious, and the nibblet very much appreciated the good meal.
The rest of the weekend David and I spent preparing the baby's room (which is looking great). David painted several pieces that we have framed in antique frames we got at the Rose Bowl flea market years ago. To see all of the painitngs in detail you can go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sorenspace/
I have been feeling pretty good. Same little things are bothering me... my right rib, indigestion, general discomfort from getting bigger...but the holidays are definately great for getting my mind of off the pain and onto the bigger picture. As the weeks go by, I am more and more excited to meet the little nibblet.
Here Marni and I are having the best gelato of my life. It was stiff competition for even the best I had in Italy. This week Marni and I met in Newport beach for a preggers retreat. The two days consisted of spa treamtents, shopping (although there is nothing i can actually buy), eating (of course) and a whole lot of complaining. It was nice to catch up with Marn, and of course to get another pregnant ladies perspective. David and I also met my old friends from Cal Poly, Jerry and Lisa, in Malibu. Lisa is also pregnant, so again it was a lot of fun comparing our stories. Oh, and David and I checked out Jamie and Allison's new pad in Camarillo. It seemed to be the perfect place for them, and it was nice to spend time with their friends again.
This week was the beginning of my 3rd trimester aches and pains. My ribs have been killing me as the baby gets larger and pushes up against them. Sitting has become very challanging unless I lodge a rolled up towel behind my upper back. Sleeping, as always, is getting more challanging. I have learned that certain milk products help the indigestion, so I have been trying that out. I cant believe how fast the time is going by. Only seven weeks left!
This week has been full of visits with friends and family. Its funny to watch peoples reaction now when they see me... because I am clearly preggers. I had dinner with Jen last night, and her reaction was great. Must have been strange to see her friend from the 2nd grade knocked up. Also had lunch with Chris yesterday, but he sees me fairly often, so the change wasn't as different for him. Had lunch with Stella and Erin, and ran into Beth... AND... Barb was in town for a conference in Pasadena, so i got to spend time with her as well. She brought some adorable slippers for both me and baby. I was really happy she was able to see me this pregnant.
I have finished some knit animals and stiching in the past couple weeks. You can check it out at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sorenspace/
I have definately been a little more tired this week. I am not sleeping well, and the weight is starting to become more difficult to carry around. Dr. Rabin said that women after 28 weeks start to wake up every 2-3 hours in preparation for what is to come. I found that really interesting. I also have been feeling a lot of pain in my right side which apparently is my floating ribs being stretched open by my uterus. The indigestion continues to be a huge drag... but only 8 weeks left!!!
This weekend was very productive. We had a moving crew move all of the things from our office down to the pool house. It was like a whirlwind, but incredibly efficient. They finished everything in an hour, and it was a great relief to finally have our "nursury" empty. In addition, having this new space made everything feel much more real.
David spent much of the remainder of the weekend painting the formerly blue wall to its new chartreuse shade. It looks wonderful, and will really look great with our dwell dots linen.
I have started to feel much more tired this week, and am still struggling with digestion issues. The baby is now getting hiccups, which is amazing to feel, and is incredibly active at night time. Sleeping well is now nearly impossible and I cant get comfortable, have to pee, and have terirble heartburn. I am also feeling lots of aches and pains in places I didn't even know I had. Mostly I am getting very excited to meet this person, and to start this new journey.
Today for the first time I noticed that my face has begun to change shape. My body has been in constant flux for the past 30 weeks, but until now (other than the acne of course) I hadn't noticed a huge change in my face shape. I suppose it is all part of the process - but very strange. For now, my eyes are the last remaining reminder of what I looked like before entering this alternate universe.