Here Marni and I are having the best gelato of my life. It was stiff competition for even the best I had in Italy. This week Marni and I met in Newport beach for a preggers retreat. The two days consisted of spa treamtents, shopping (although there is nothing i can actually buy), eating (of course) and a whole lot of complaining. It was nice to catch up with Marn, and of course to get another pregnant ladies perspective. David and I also met my old friends from Cal Poly, Jerry and Lisa, in Malibu. Lisa is also pregnant, so again it was a lot of fun comparing our stories. Oh, and David and I checked out Jamie and Allison's new pad in Camarillo. It seemed to be the perfect place for them, and it was nice to spend time with their friends again.
This week was the beginning of my 3rd trimester aches and pains. My ribs have been killing me as the baby gets larger and pushes up against them. Sitting has become very challanging unless I lodge a rolled up towel behind my upper back. Sleeping, as always, is getting more challanging. I have learned that certain milk products help the indigestion, so I have been trying that out. I cant believe how fast the time is going by. Only seven weeks left!
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