Sunday, March 25, 2007

out of the 4th trimester... into the rest of his life

Yesterday was Isaac's 3 month birthday. The 4th trimester is officially over! Everyone keeps telling us that this is the magical age where he will start sleeping better, becoming more social, etc. I do have to admit that his sleeping is much better. He is now sleeping from 7-2 pretty consistently, and he is smiling all the time (that is of course, when it is not between the hours of 6-7pm). Isaac now weighs 12 lbs and is over 23 inches long.
To celebrate, we took Isaac to the beach for some fresh air and had a great time. Isaac played on a blanket in the sand, and was very aware of the sound of the ocean.

1 comment:

The Gehles said...

hey guys, looks like fun! we enjoyed seeing you guys on saturday. just thinking about you and knowing that all it will work out professionally. after all, you've got a cutie to enjoy every day and that makes it all worthwhile. love e