Yesterday we headed to Anaheim to celebrate Miss. Bea's second. Traffic on the way there was a breeze and getting into the park equally as straightforward. Isaac came into the day with the sniffles, so i was a little concerned that he may not have the best time, but he was a joy. Despite not feeling well, he really seemed to have the best time, and I was so happy we chose to go.
Upon entering the park, we were immediately greeted by a couple lifesize chimpmunks that put Isaac into complete meltdown mode, and I immediately thought to myself... this is going to be a VERY LONG day. A train ride took us over the the kiddy area... "somethingland" where our little ones flew on dumbo, and enjoyed the carousel. One terrible lunch later and both Stella and Isaac actually napped (this was the key to a pretty wodnerful afternoon). While the kids napped the adults relived their preteen years with a ride on thunder mountain and space mountain. Then lots of ice cream for all followed by the parade. Isaac warmed up to the idea of lifesize animals dancing and singing and both kids clutched onto their minnie and mickey mouse treasures while watching the train go by in awe. We braved a few more rides, and decided to end the day on a high note around 6:00. Off for a quick dinner at Mimi's (no link requred here) where isaac was completely hysterical throwing water all over himself, and then to a very noisy car ride home (where isaac would not stop talking about every single thing he saw all day). In the end I ushered him into his crib, and he was out for the count... until 10am this morning when we woke him up.
I think all of us would say that the day was amazingly fun, and went incredibly smoothly given the fact we were traveling with a large group and two toddlers. Mom, Dad, and Rachel... thank you for all of your help and support. You're generosity and kindness is unparalleled.
AND MOSTLY... thank you Stella for the joy you bring to our lives. You are very much one of the great loves of my life, and I look forward to every chance I get to feel your warmth.
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