my little love. my little partner.

At 22 months, Isaac is now a boy. Babyhood is out the door... and toddlerhood is rearing its head. With each new word, new expression, new movement, I am reminded how sweet life is, and how in love with him I am. Yesterday I got my first 'love you'. He can now tell us when he 'poos', what he wants, and stories from the day before. His memory has kicked into full gear, and he is starting to repeat almost anything you say. He is dancing, jumping, spinning, climbing. He is starting to play independently with his cars... and makes up stories. He loves 'hat dags' and 'noodos'. More and mine are keywords. He can say his own name. He knows where 'home' is, and that 'yaya'(ella) and 'peepee'(chiefie/miles) are there. He can throw a full fledged toddler tantrum. He has started cooking with me, sprinkling 'dirt' (salt and pepper) onto our food. He loves the movie cars. Elmo is also a hit. He knows 'nanny' and 'papa' live in the snow. Can still identify everyone by their car. Loves 'b' and associates her with anything sweet (cake, ice pops...) School has been a great adventure, and he continues to enjoy the 'tutle' goats, and activities.
Every day he makes me laugh.
He is my little love. My little partner.
1 comment:
Isaac, you are our ray of sunshine, you light up our lives! Your love, spirit, amazing little personality are just a few ways to describe what an incredible little guy you are
We love you soooooooooooo much!!
Bubie & Apu
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