Sunday, January 18, 2009


I picked a fantastic week to spend time in the windy city... the last time the city was this cold was in 1994 - 15 years ago, when the high was minus 11. I was graced this week with average temps of minus 17. I had never been in temps that cold, so I didn't understand that it takes about 30 seconds before the frost bite kicks in, and I was graced with lots of it. Burning patches of red showed up all over my legs and behind...
So I scrambled for emergency boots, gloves, ear muffs... and still, couldn't spend more than about a minute or two outside without feeling physical pain. It was unlike anything I have experienced, and I am a Canadian. (granted a Californian version... still a Canadian who has spent lots of winter weeks in Toronto).
This was cause for lots of creative indoor activities. Hit every museum there was... lots of good dining experiences: Alinea, Blackbird... Met a good old friend at Murpheys, finally found a cubby hat, drank lots of Gooseneck...
Mostly, having extreme experience like that reminds you of the living conditions of others, and makes you feel so thankful for what you DO have.
Good to be home.

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