He has also started counting... up to sixteen (always skipping twelve, and loving number six).
Favorite new songs include "We are the dinosaurs", "The Mickey Mouse Song", and "The dreidel song".
School is vastly improving now that Isaac knows that "Mommy comes back 'always'", and that "Mommy comes back 'after lunch'". His teachers are telling us that he has started participating in activities, and interacting with his classmates.
Isaac has started speaking in sentences. Including verbs, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. He is differentiating between me, you, I, and "Isaac". He often speaks in third person "Isaac did that", but then follows it up with "I did that". He likes to describe who is doing what. "Mommy cooks cereal for Isaac, Daddy shut the door, Bubbie zipps it up."
He knows the model and color of every person's car we know. Papa's silver "Beetle", Daddy's Silver "Prius", Mommy's Black "Audi", Papu's Red "Ferrari", Nanni and Bea's "Volvo".
"I dont like it" and "That hurts me" have become new favorites. He would prefer a "snack" to a meal any day of the week, and has become a very particular eater, each day developing new likes and dislikes.
He is starting to bring home new behaviors, songs, and words from school. Very interesting to see how and where he picks things up from, and how he uses them in his own world.
Isaac sat, smiling, happy, as he watched "Debbie" cut his hair yesterday. He is becoming more outgoing in many ways, enjoying social interaction with his cousins, and those he knows.
With each day seems to come new discoveries. Both giant leaps an little inching steps towards the boy he is so quickly becoming.
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