As my days have become routine in so many ways, I have favorite parts. Highlights, that draw me from one event to the next. The things I look forward to most. For me picking Isaac up from school is one of these movements. The conversations I have with him on the car rides home are the best of the day. They are always rich with stories, and anecdotes, clever and witty thoughts, and very honest emotion. This week we have had some amazing chats.
Monday: Isaac told me that he was learning about outer space and Astronauts. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said a 'Chef'. I of course was gloating with the response until I said, like mommy? And then with no time at all he said, no, not like mommy. Mommy is a 'cooker' I will be a 'chef'. Wow I thought, a cooker? I am not sure which stung more. The fact that he was right (I am so NOT a chef) or the fact that he could distinguish the difference. From there we talked about other people in our family and their professions. Mommy is also and architect. Daddy is a director. What is a director? Blah Blah... Then he wanted to know what Papu did. I told him Papu is a business man. What kind of business he wanted to know. Computers I said. He sells computers and helps fix them. I want a computer Mommy! I know sweetie, you will have one one day. I know mommy, I will have a computer when Im a MAN!
Tuesday: More space talk. Mommy did you know Saturn has rings, Jupiter is big, Mars is tiny. There is a planet named after a dog. And on and on. I was so excited that he was picking up on and learning some of the things they were talking about in school. And then came Mama you know that people who go to the moon have to wear 'Gravity Boots', and 'Space Suits' with 'Oxygen Helmets'. OMG! Now I was blown away. Really Isaac? Why? So they dont float off the moon, and so they can breathe. Its scary out there mommy. They need to be safe. And in this one conversation I was reminded I am now raising a boy, not a baby, not even a toddler. A boy.
Thursday: Mommy Teacher Jennifer told us when we learn about the sun it is going to be our last day in the Horizon Room. That is coming soon. I said, yes it is, you only have one week left with Teachers Jennifer and Karla. He said he didn't want to go to a new class. He wanted to stay in the Horizon Room forever. I explained all of his friends were moving to new classes, and that it was time for the little kids to go into the Horizon Room. He said, I know mommy, but it makes me sad.
Friday: How was your day Isaac? Tell me about it? Was there a picnic at school? What did you have for lunch? Mommy... I dont want to talk to you right now. I will talk to you when we get home.
The things he says, the ways in which he says them are funny, infuriating, frustrating, enlightening, hilarious, and truly amaze me each and every day. His memory is crazy. The things he brings up from the past wow me. He is truly remarkable.
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