I knit this turtle for Isaac when he was still in the womb with no expectation for its future. It was my favorite little knit toy by virtue of its size, simple color palate, and 'cute' factor. This turtle was easy to adore. It wasn't until Isaac was (and now I cant remember exactly when) hmmm... a year and a half old??? that "Mr. Toots" was born, and established as a life long buddy. He seemed to be money milk's side kick, and very soon an essential entity for sleeping, relaxing, an playing around the house. Unlike money milk of which we have many dopplegangers around; in each of our cars, in his bed, at bubies, and a few in locked up vaults around our house and isaac's school emergency earthquake kit, Mr. Toots, or 'tootie' is one of a kind. For years now the sentence 'where is Mr. Toots'? has become a staple around our house and one met with a lot of anxiety when it comes to making sure he is around. When Isaac was two he used to hide toots knowing that the search was a good old time for the whole family. Luckily he has three of four consistent hiding spots that were always the go to in our moments of panic. Recently as his play has become more creative, and as he has ventured into places in the house even we dont know about, Mr. Toots has gone missing for more than an hour or two. This past week was the first night Isaac slept without tootie because we just couldn't find him. After 14 hours, and a tearful mommy, he was located in a secret hiding compartment in Isaac's top bunk. I now have an eye on tootie at all times. He is my third child. He is rarely allowed outside of the house, and is on a tight leash at all times. This little turtle, with its pieces of hanging yarn and two button eyes has become a member of our family, and Isaac's love and devotion for this 'little fella' is only further validation that little homespun creations can change the world.
1 comment:
I got a little taste of Mr. Toots gone missing today and after the hour search thankfully Hailey found him under Isaac's mattress where he was staying nice and warm!! Isaac, you are too cute!!
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