Horses are calming. There is something about being around them that helps me to slow my pace down. Of course you never want to spook a horse, so this in itself asks you to be conscious of your surrounding, but there is something more to it than that. The horses are magnificent, huge and steady, and demand respect and a confident calm.
I am so ever grateful to the horses Coco rides every week. They have changed her stride in so many ways, and given us so much back. The relationship Coco has with Fancy, and the other horses she rides is one of mutual understanding and love. She has learned to mount and dismount the horses. She plays with their manes and pats them firmly. She lights up when her horse arrives, and spends the next half hour with a smile on her face.
At this point Joanne and her team (there are three people to a horse and child) are working with Coco on stabilizing and strengthening her core. She rides the horsies forward, sideways, and backwards. She weaves in and out of tall obstacles, and reaches for toys that are presented to her. The horse goes up and down steps and moves slowly and more quickly depending on what Joanne wants to work on. She has even started riding some of the trails in the back of the property that offer small hills and turns.
I can speak for Coco in saying that we are both feel lucky to have had this experience. Regardless of her delay this is an activity we both enjoy and both grow and learn from. Connection to nature and animals is such an important and special early gift, I am so pleased Coco has been blessed with the opportunity to gain life experience through the eyes of her horse, Fancy.
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