The Tooth Fairy
I was sitting at dinner with Isaac the other night when he said to me, "Mommy, I ate a bad apple for snack after school today." When I asked him what was bad about it, he said, " It hurt my tooth when I bit into it." OMG I thought! Really??? He is only 5, could he have a loose tooth already? ... Open Up, I almost shouted at him, and with a little wiggle, it was confirmed: Isaac had a loose tooth.Isaac got his first tooth right about 5 months, so apparently that means that you loose your teeth earlier. I am not sure if I believe that or if he just is loosing his teeth young. Either way it seems impossible that he is already loosing teeth. As cliche as it feels to say this, I really do feel like he just got them, and the whole thing just needs to slow down a little bit.
The next day at school Isaac proceeded to tell almost everyone he knew about his 'wiggly' tooth with pride and excitement. It was super sweet.It took about a week for the tooth to come out, and as once it did Isaac ate it with snack at school. His teacher told me that it was bothering him a lot at lunch, and at snack so I asked him to open his mouth and voila! it was gone. I can only assume that it went down the hatch with whatever else he was eating. This was the cause for some alarm as Isaac was worried the tooth fairy wouldn't visit if there wasn't a tooth to exchange, but I calmed his fears and we carried on.
That night you could feel his excitement as he talked about the tooth fairy. He told us about how tiny she was, he guessed that she may come through his window, and he hoped that she would leave him some coins. It brought so much joy to see how proud he was of loosing his tooth, and how exited he was to have a visit from the tooth fairy.We now have another wiggly tooth. I suppose those two bottom teeth came in within a week of each other so they may want to leave together too. You can see the big 'adult' teeth behind waiting to rise from the surface. Our first tiny sign of what Isaac may look like as an adult.
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