After visiting Toronto last week, and seeing baby Dylan, it was so hard for me to believe that Isaac was ever that small. I think I was in such a haze those first couple months that I didn't realize just how tiny he was. Isaac looked like a full fledged grown up next to Dylan. With that being said, I love the stage that Isaac is at now. He is becoming a little person, and with this comes new challenges. It is no longer the sleepless nights that I struggle with, but rather the separation anxiety (he wants and needs his mommy and daddy) and his new movement (having to watch him like a hawk at all times). Oh, and after all my hard work... every other word out of his mouth is 'daddy'. It is pretty adorable, not that he has any idea what he is saying, but just hearing his tiny voice makes me smile.
Happy Big 8 Izzy. We love you!
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