Today was the first family picnic we have had with all of ladies I share the Mother's Gathering with. We met at Coldwater Canyon Park for a mini potluck, and lots of laughs with our little ones. Four chocolate chip cookies later (thanks Elaine!), and half a beer to wash it down... we were ready to call it a day. Again, I cant reiterate how important the relationships with these women are to me, and how each week I learn a little something about myself as a mother from their own trials and tribulations. The ebbs and flows of motherhood are truly something that only another mother could understand, and I am so grateful that I have twelve of them I can call on at anytime for anything.
With that being said, it was lovely meeting everyones spouses, and seeing all of the daddies with their children. I have been so curious what the fathers look like, because of course the babies are a reflection of both mommy and daddy. Today I was able to put the puzzle pieces together.
I will make sure that this is only one of many events to come. I so enjoyed spending time with everyone, and only wish there was more time to get to know some of the people I didn't get to chat with. Till next time...
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