Here were Isaac's stats from his latest doctors appontment:
Height 28" (50th percentile)
Weight 18lb 8oz (25th percentile)
His checkup went very well. Dr. Shulman was happy to see how well he was gaining weight. I spoke in length with him about the MMR vaccine that I am so anxious about. He was very understating and agreed to let me wait until 18 months before administering it. He is also letting me split up the measles, mumps, and rubella into three vaccines given a month or so apart. Yes that means three pokes of the needle, but if there is an inkling of a chance that there is a connection between autism and the MMR vaccine, I want to do what I can.
Some of Isaac's latest developments (and something new is happening every day)...
*** he can say mama and dada (although we are not sure it has anything to do with his parents)
*** he is crawling well
*** he can pull up on almost anything
*** he has started cruising around furniture and transferring from on thing to the next
*** he is waving
*** he is mastering the pincer grasp
*** today he started clapping
these are just a few of the many amazing things that Isaac has been picking up. cant wait to share more.
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