Izzy is now pointing to everything. Most of the pointing seems quite intentional, as if to say, "Hey mom, look at ____." He seems so proud of this new accomplishment.
In addition he has become incredibly decisive about what he wants and doesn't want, likes and doesn't like, etc. He will bring us a book to read, and once we are done reading it he makes sure to let us know which one to read next. If you choose one he doesn't like, he shuts the cover immediately. If there is a food he isn't interested in eating, there is no way he will eat it. He now picks through his plate and enjoys what he wants, leaving the things he isn't interested in.
Isaac is able to retrieve items by name. If you ask him to get ernie, a truck, his Gandhi doll, or a myriad of other things, he will get them. If you ask him to point to certain items in books he knows, he will point to them. He knows where the cats are at all times.
In addition, he is climbing up and down the stairs in our house, quite gracefully I might add. He is cruising around, standing with very little assistance. He is sporting 6 teeth, and eating almost everything.
Other than the colds he seems to get every other week, he is a wonderfully happy little guy. Each day brings new adventures, challenges, and milestones. I intend to savor every day of this first year, and am so looking forward to whats ahead.
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