On our agenda for the weekend: DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. I think we accomplished our goal. We took a long wonderful uninterrupted nap in the middle of the day (without baby monitor). We took a walk on the beach and gathered drift wood. We visited the spa and enjoyed a jacuzzi and steam. David read, I knit. I took a bath, a long shower, several hours to get ready for dinner. We then headed out to Downey's for dinner. I had wanted to try this restaurant for a long time. Husband and wife, john and liz, own and operate this tiny jewel. I have to mention that we were the youngest patrons in the joint (second to dennis franz). The food is carefully crafted from Santa Barbara's local farmer's producs. Everything was at season's peak. The butternut squash soup was in both of our opinions, the best soup we had every eaten.
We woke up the next morning and headed to IHOP. That's right... David and my guilty pleasure. We have to hit at least one on every road trip we take. Every time we leave, we concur that we have had our fix for the year. We are both fans of the german pancakes with a side of hash browns - well done, of course.
On the way back to Westlake to pick up Isaac, we stopped in Camarillo for a movie. We saw Into the Wild, which far surpassed both of our expectations. I can tell a good movie by how it resonates with me, and I am still thinking about it. I would highly recommend it to anyone. The soundtrack was wonderful, the imagery beautiful on th eyes, and the storyline inspiring to say the least.
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