San Juan, Puerto Rico > We toured the town. Browsed shops, Enjoyed the weather and scenery. Looked at historical monuments.
St. Thomas > Went to the beach. Swam in the ocean (picture above). Checked out the jewelry stores. Isaac napped in the stroller.
St. Maarten > Visited the french side of the Island. Had lunch. Shopped around. Visited the Dutch side of the Island. Shopped around. (ps. i bought NOTHING)
Tortola > Family day at the beach. Nail bitting ride in the open air shuttle over the mountain to the other side of the island.
Nassau,Bahamas > Visited Atlantis resort. Went to the aquarium. Had ice cream. Went back into town, and shopped around.
Days at Sea > Swimming, waterslides, EATING, reading, knitting, napping, gambling.
I was surprised how much we did over the week, and how flexible Isaac was. It ended up being a really great time with lots of new exploration for the both of us. We both enjoyed catching up with family. It was a great way to celebrate the end of his first year.
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