Its so hard to believe that Isaac turned one today. As we have gone through each of his many stages this year, we have been amazed by human development, and the struggles and joys that accompany it. David and I always say to each other, it both feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago that Isaac came into our lives. I do think we would both agree that we are enjoying him in a different way as he has begun interacting with us, and becoming his own little person. If Isaac has shown us one thing, it is that he knows what he wants, and he wants it when he wants it. He is incredibly determined, curious, observant, witty, and thrives amongst familiar faces and surroundings. He carries pieces of both David and myself, and in these reflections, we have come to realize that as a couple we are more similar than different. He clearly has mom's nose, dad's hair, and his own little personality.
Isaac, we are so proud of everything you have accomplished this year as a baby. We are excited and ready for your next year as a toddler. Thank you for forcing us to grow, for teaching us about ourselves, and for reflecting goodness back into this world. You have given us our best, most challenging year, and have transformed what was a couple of sorens into a f a m i l y.
We love you.xo.mama & dada
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