Isaac has become very interested in story telling. He loves when David and I make up stories about random and silly things, and loves to tell us stories in return. He has begun narrating when he is playing with his toys, cars have become characters in a plot, and his 'friends' interact throughout the day. He enjoys role playing. Most often I hear him acting as a teacher, or a parent telling his 'friends' to make a night night, or to sit down in a circle. At a recent playmate I noticed a huge shift. He is now interacting with his friends instead of playing alongside of them. The make up scenarios of something chasing them, of monsters and dragons, of 'scary' things, and of adventures and missions to accomplish.
Some very funny things Isaac has said:
"Mommy, do you hear this instrument... it is a trumpet".
"Mommy, do you know that green thing I have. Its a marhonica. Daddy has a box of 'marhonicas'. We play them together, but not too loud because it will wake Coco."
"Mommy, your hair looks dirty today. You need to shower. I know that may make you sad, but I will give you a hug'.
"Mommy. its January, and its summer." No Issac, it is March and it is spring. "NO! Mommy! I know. It is January and it is summer. Lets go swimming."
Isaac has also been very interested in describing other peoples body types. We walked by a lady recently and Isaac informed her that she was 'fat'. David and I looked at eachother and tried to figure out how to best handle it. We told him that everyone has different types of bodies, and that fat was not a nice word and would hurt the ladies feelings. Now every time he sees an overweight person he says "Mommy, that person has a different type of body." Urg. I guess it is better than the alternative.
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