At her four month check up she weighed 10 lbs 6 oz (3%) and was 23 1/4" long (15%). Yes she is petite, but she packs a punch. I was a little concerned about her neck control, and Shulman did agree that it was on the lower end of where she should be for her age, but he didn't think it was anything to be concerned about. He thought over time it would get better, and was only indicative of her possibly crawling or walking later. All else was superb, and he agreed, she is super duper cute. She got her four month vaccines, urg, and we spent the remainder of the day at home training our new nanny Tina.
It seems too good to be true at this point. We all adore our new Marry Poppins, and are hoping that the fit works for all parties involves, and is a long term one. For now I am enjoying the feeling of trusting someone else with my kids, and starting to wrap my head around getting back into work. Hopefully after this next week of training I will feel ready.
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