Seeing that tonight is our president's state of the union address, I am inspired to give a brief one to document our current state. I have to say (knock wood) that the Soren's are in a state of equilibrium. For this brief moment in time both kids are in a very good place, seem content, and have started seeing each other as true siblings and playmates.
Isaac has developed a whole knew sense of fierce independence. He is always completely dressed - head to toe- before David and I get out of bed in the morning. He required 'privacy' to do this, and relishes in the opportunity to come marching out in a new wardrobe change. He can play very independently, or with his sister. He is at a stage where he would much prefer to play than to watch tv or a movie. He loves all of his animal 'friends' who are searching for a tiny spot of real estate in his bed. His bedtime is creeping closer to 9, but primarily because he is having big late naps from 2-5. He continues to ask challenging questions and make very astute observations about the world around him. He loves school, and has adapted with very little disruption to his third new teacher, Teacher Ruth.
Coco continues with each day to become more physical. She can pull up on almost anything, cruise furniture (slowly and with caution), climb steps, do a mean downward dog, stand up holding onto someone. She is finding new joy and excitement in her explorations now that she is a very proficient crawler. She is able to jot around the house with ease, and keep up with her lightning fast playmate. She has started both a music and a my gym class, both of which she adores. She is the center of attention in these classes, the social butterfly, and the gal all the little boys are drawn to.
David is working intensely on two very exciting projects. He continues to receive accolades for his directing skills and involvement with his projects. Due to confidentiality I cant leak too much more than that, but I do think this week there will be a big press release after which I can chat all I want. His health has been stable (again knock wood) and hasn't seemed to disrupt any of the amazingness that he is on a daily basis. He has started practicing yoga and seems to be enjoying it very much.
As for me, I am enjoying being in the middle of all that surrounds me. I have been reading like crazy and enjoying almost all of it. Both of my book clubs provide me with rich thought and discussion. Very different in their conception and intention I enjoy them both for such different reasons, and appreciate the women who read along side me and remind me of the importance of continued learning. My yoga practice continues to gain momentum and center me. Hungary Louis has received some exciting accolades soon to be announced. My friends are steady and loving. My family supportive. Lots of feeling very lucky and good about where I am today, on the 25th of January. Life is certainly not without struggles or challenges, but nothing seems insurmountable, or Sisyphean. We are moving forward while taking our own beautiful and unique path with lots of pit stops along the way.
Its been a while in the making, but she is on the go. It happened out of the blue, as I knew it would. One day it all just came together, and the desire was there, and off she went. The crawl isn't fast, or particularly elegant, but it is pretty amazing to watch. She is beginning to explore the house little by little, and remind us that all of the time we haven't had to baby proof has been a gift. I am so used to knowing where she is at all times that it has made dealing with Isaac's wild rompings much easier. With both of them on the go, I too am more on the go with a lot more attending to and separating of property.
Her new ability to get around has brought her closer to her brother. It is so fun to watch them interact and begin to play with one and other. It has also brought with it some frustration on Isaac's part. She is definately all up in his business, wants to play with what is is playing with. Pulls apart his puzzles while he is trying to work on them, messes with his cars, goes into his closet and starts pulling out toys or books. His reaction is either one of irritation, or excitement. Depends completely on his mood. Regardless it is the beginning of watch them settle their own going ons, so I have for the most part been sitting back and watching things unravel. In the end I often step in to make sure Coco isn't thrown to the ground, but she is amazingly good at holding her own.
Its all about the questions. None of them are particularly easy to answer. All of them require some thought and preparation before responding. They are an indication of his growing maturity, curiosity, introspection, and persistence.
Just today we have broached the subjects of both death and money.
He randomly said to me while we were playing on the living room rug, "Mommy I dont want to die". This lead into a large discussion about what death means, when we die, who he knows who is old, who he doesn't want to die. He even mentioned his 'Gramma Joyce'. He told me that she was old, and asked if she was going to die one day. We spoke openly and honestly about it. It was one of the first times that I really felt I could. I also realized that having a child that understands death, is curious about it, is beginning to wrap his head around the idea of it... makes him less a child and more a boy. To know your own mortality is to know your place in this world, at least I think so. It requires him to understand that he will not live forever, that life is a temporary condition, and that we must be careful with our bodies. I have been dreading this conversation for a long time - the death conversation. In that dread I had rehearsed how I would respond. Various explanations, ways of allowing him to understand, relate, without it all seeming so scary or bleak. I didn't want to be taken off guard. I wanted to be prepared. I think we (Isaac and I) did that conversation very proud. I am waiting for the follow up... "Mommy what happens to us after we die". I will start preparing for that one next.
And then of course, money. It started by a simple trip to whole foods where he wanted to buy strawberries. Of course, I only would allow organic strawberries, especially in winter, which cost upward of a zillion dollars, so I explained to Isaac the idea of seasonal produce. Why we are better off purchasing Oranges instead of Strawberries. This lead to a conversation about money. Where do we get it, why daddy goes to work, what cost money, what cost more money. There was without exaggerating over a hundred questions on the subject before the sweet sound of silence flooded my car. And then, as we drove into our driveway several hours later, in very typical Isaac fashion, after it has all had time to marinade, he asked "Mommy does our house cost more than our cars?" And so again I realized, CLICK! It is all coming together for him. All of the synapses are firing at a light speed, and my boy is quickly on his way to becoming something else.
He is four, a big four. Tall for his age. Incredibly articulate. Very mature. An exceptional storyteller. Very much enjoying roll play and dress up. Superheros, cars, trucks. He has become incredibly physical. The park no longer poses any obstacles for him. Mostly he is kind and considerate. Always thinking of his friends. Very prone to making sure others are ok. In love with his sister. Engaged at school, and growing each week with new knowledge. He is finally recognizing all letters, and what sounds they make. He can tell you what most words start with. Is beginning to recognize some basic three letter words. Numbers, not so much.
We are very much at a state of equilibrium. He is loving, pleasant, easy to adore, fun to spend time with, and actually really great to have a conversation with. Isaac observes the world with keen eyes. He has always observed. I love this about him. I love everything about him.
This very little person, this boy, all 38 pounds of him are rich and complex and everything I ever dreamed my child would be. Happy birthday to my beautiful four year old boy who wears his dreams on his sleeve. This year is going to be magical.