Seeing that tonight is our president's state of the union address, I am inspired to give a brief one to document our current state. I have to say (knock wood) that the Soren's are in a state of equilibrium. For this brief moment in time both kids are in a very good place, seem content, and have started seeing each other as true siblings and playmates.
Isaac has developed a whole knew sense of fierce independence. He is always completely dressed - head to toe- before David and I get out of bed in the morning. He required 'privacy' to do this, and relishes in the opportunity to come marching out in a new wardrobe change. He can play very independently, or with his sister. He is at a stage where he would much prefer to play than to watch tv or a movie. He loves all of his animal 'friends' who are searching for a tiny spot of real estate in his bed. His bedtime is creeping closer to 9, but primarily because he is having big late naps from 2-5. He continues to ask challenging questions and make very astute observations about the world around him. He loves school, and has adapted with very little disruption to his third new teacher, Teacher Ruth.
Coco continues with each day to become more physical. She can pull up on almost anything, cruise furniture (slowly and with caution), climb steps, do a mean downward dog, stand up holding onto someone. She is finding new joy and excitement in her explorations now that she is a very proficient crawler. She is able to jot around the house with ease, and keep up with her lightning fast playmate. She has started both a music and a my gym class, both of which she adores. She is the center of attention in these classes, the social butterfly, and the gal all the little boys are drawn to.
David is working intensely on two very exciting projects. He continues to receive accolades for his directing skills and involvement with his projects. Due to confidentiality I cant leak too much more than that, but I do think this week there will be a big press release after which I can chat all I want. His health has been stable (again knock wood) and hasn't seemed to disrupt any of the amazingness that he is on a daily basis. He has started practicing yoga and seems to be enjoying it very much.
As for me, I am enjoying being in the middle of all that surrounds me. I have been reading like crazy and enjoying almost all of it. Both of my book clubs provide me with rich thought and discussion. Very different in their conception and intention I enjoy them both for such different reasons, and appreciate the women who read along side me and remind me of the importance of continued learning. My yoga practice continues to gain momentum and center me. Hungary Louis has received some exciting accolades soon to be announced. My friends are steady and loving. My family supportive. Lots of feeling very lucky and good about where I am today, on the 25th of January. Life is certainly not without struggles or challenges, but nothing seems insurmountable, or Sisyphean. We are moving forward while taking our own beautiful and unique path with lots of pit stops along the way.
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