Her new ability to get around has brought her closer to her brother. It is so fun to watch them interact and begin to play with one and other. It has also brought with it some frustration on Isaac's part. She is definately all up in his business, wants to play with what is is playing with. Pulls apart his puzzles while he is trying to work on them, messes with his cars, goes into his closet and starts pulling out toys or books. His reaction is either one of irritation, or excitement. Depends completely on his mood. Regardless it is the beginning of watch them settle their own going ons, so I have for the most part been sitting back and watching things unravel. In the end I often step in to make sure Coco isn't thrown to the ground, but she is amazingly good at holding her own.
We have never seen a happier baby in the world than Coco, we love her 24 x 7 smile and wonderful sweet personality. Coco, you truly light up our lives and add so much happiness to each and every moment we share, you are the sunshine of our lives! Happy Birthday little lady!!
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