Saturday, December 30, 2006
my first sushi in 10 months
uncle jamie and auntie allie's first visit
Friday, December 29, 2006
our first hike as 3

Thursday, December 28, 2006
there's no place like home
With that being said... he has absolutely no interest in sleeping on his own between 11-2am. David and I have been trying to figure out methods to put him down, but all he wants is to be held. After two, he seems to sleep well, and is very content.
I am still waiting for my milk to come in which I am hoping it happens today. Hopefully once Isaac has a full belly, he will be more content.
We have had lots of help and visits from friends and family, and a lot of nice time to relax as a family.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Our Family Has Grown

Doctor Rabin predicted I would deliver later than my due date (January 9th), taking after my mom, but someone had different plans. My water broke at 8pm on the eve of the 23rd,and slowly trickled until David and I though... hmmm... maybe my water broke. We called Dr. Banooni, because of course this is the one week Dr. Rabin is on vacation... and he instructed us to head into the hospital. So in we went at 5am the next morning, and sure enough my water broke. They induced my labor with pitocin, I recieved an epidural, and I spend the next 10 hours in labor - the most amazing expreience of my life. Isaac was easy on me, the labor and delivery nurses were a dream, and Dr. Banooni was god. I truly can say I enjoyed every minute of my labor, and delivery. Thank you to every person who sat in the waiting room - FOR HOURS - waiting for the news. You too made my experience very special.
We are all home from the hospital, and getting to know eachother. For all of the pictures of little isaac, take a look at our Flickr site.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
thank god for MOZZA

36 weeks

We just got home from urgent care where my brave patient got three stitches. Luckily it was quick and pretty painless, and we are home relaxing. I am hoping to stay out of the hospital until it is my turn, but it seems every week we are there for a different reason.
Today we are exactly 23 days away from my due date. This week we visited Dr. Rabin (we are now on weekly visits) and he did an ultrasound of the baby. He thought based on the measurements that he did that I would deliver right around my due date, and that the baby would be between 7 and 7 1/2 pounds. He thought everything looked great. We will see him again next week.
The baby has been super active. I have been feely pretty good considering. Im not too tired, just dealing with the same rib and indigestion discomfort. Looking forward to the holidays, and to seeing the Kohns next week.
35 weeks

Mom is now home and doing much better. Her leg is definatley sore, but every day seems to be a little bit better.
As for me this week, I noticed that my feet started to swell more than they have been. My yoga instructor showed me a pose that is supposed to lessen the swelling, and I didn't believe it until I tried it. The pose is called virasana (picture above) and has reduced the swelling in my feet and legs significantly.
Monday, December 04, 2006
baby poll
Sunday, December 03, 2006
34 weeks
Well the belly is definitely getting bigger, and the movement stronger. All of the maternity clothes I bought at the beginning are snug as a bug. I am also starting to see some real changes in my face. Breathing has become a little more challenging this week, especially in the morning, but sleeping has gotten much better as the weather has cooled down. My "floating rib pain" continues to be the worst of all my bothers. There is apparently no way to get relief, so I am just trying to get through and create my own ways of sitting and lying down that seem to help. Yoga is also especially helpful. I cant believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. David and I can finally say, we will have a baby next month!
my not so shower baby shower
Today was my not so shower baby shower hosted by Alexis (and the Royce/Rappaport family). It was so nice to have all of my girlfriends in one place to celebrate my journey over the past nine months. Some highlights... alexis' wonderful lunch, sprinkles cupcakes, erin's homemade mobile and ball, and catching up with people I hadn't seen in a little while. I was so happy that I had this special time to spend with my ladies prior to having the baby.
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