Doctor Rabin predicted I would deliver later than my due date (January 9th), taking after my mom, but someone had different plans. My water broke at 8pm on the eve of the 23rd,and slowly trickled until David and I though... hmmm... maybe my water broke. We called Dr. Banooni, because of course this is the one week Dr. Rabin is on vacation... and he instructed us to head into the hospital. So in we went at 5am the next morning, and sure enough my water broke. They induced my labor with pitocin, I recieved an epidural, and I spend the next 10 hours in labor - the most amazing expreience of my life. Isaac was easy on me, the labor and delivery nurses were a dream, and Dr. Banooni was god. I truly can say I enjoyed every minute of my labor, and delivery. Thank you to every person who sat in the waiting room - FOR HOURS - waiting for the news. You too made my experience very special.
We are all home from the hospital, and getting to know eachother. For all of the pictures of little isaac, take a look at our Flickr site.
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