34, 35,... 36!
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of events, obligations, celebrations, illness and recovery, and much much more. It seems like time is both speeding by and inching along as we enter this last month of pregnancy. In so many ways I cant believe we are here already, and at the same time as I reflect on the journey it feels like a long one. In the past couple of weeks I have celebrated moms birthday with a special day in the city filled with massage and shopping. I have had my baby shower. We attended the annual Crohns and Colitis dinner fundraiser. I have bought, made, wrapped, with love several holiday and birthday gifts. I have been trying to cram in dinner and lunch with friends. I am still doing yoga several times a week. Keeping myself busy has been a good and important diversion as we near the end and I become more physically uncomfortable and emotionally strung out. My entire pelvic floor, inner groin, and well... lets call it 'fine china' is stretching and pulling, and the pressure from the baby bearing down on the already tender area is incredibly painful. Rolling from one side to the other at night is a major struggle and getting out of bed to go to the bathroom makes me feel like a hobbling 80 year old. Just standing from a seated position is a challenge at this point. The swelling has increased and is becoming more apparent and more uncomfortable. Prilosec has helped with the heartburn, although the indigestion is hanging around. Breathing is difficult. I am often lightheaded, dizzy, and get the shakes from either lack of oxygen or low blood sugar. With all of this said the baby looks wonderful and healthy in the little home I am providing her, and we are on schedule for a mid December delivery. In the next few weeks I look forward to soaking up family time as a threesome, couple time as a twosome, and just the slivers of time I now get as me (slingless, strolerless, spitup less, well rested {sort of}). I am enjoying a world where my boobs are my own, and equally looking forward to the joys and magic of nursing. It seems that each element of this journey is part of its own little dichotomy. In this I find peace. We know what to expect in the coming months and I believe I can speak for the entire family when I say we are ringing with excitement, and terrified to hit the reset button. What we do know as seasoned veterans is that the babies are only babies for such a short amount of time. I cant wait to soak up every minute.
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