Seems right around week 32 I have hit a bit of a wall. I am just far enough away from my due date for it to seem like an eternity, and have become majorly uncomfortable in my own skin. The weight gain has slowed to almost nothing because of the crazy amount of indigestion and heartburn I have been experiencing. It has gotten to the point that dinner is nearly impossible, breakfast is a struggle and lunch is my only shot at a good meal. I am up to almost 20 tums a day, and the pain and discomfort has become almost to much to deal with. Breathing has become difficult, I am exhausted and feeling very hormonal. The swelling and puffiness has set in, acne has plagued my entire body, my hips are very sore... and well even the 'fine china' is starting to feel a whole lot of pressure.
Now that I have gotten the complaining out of the way, week 32 was filled with a whole lot of Halloween fun (and work) that helped keep my mind off of some of the discomfort. Isaac's school had their annual Halloween Parade where his class dressed up as dragons and princesses. They also had a Halloween dance party, carnival, AND classroom party. On top of that we were invited to a lovely little Halloween party at Isaac's friend Caitlyn's house, and we had the Gehle's and mom and dad over for dinner and trick or treating. By the time Halloween ended I felt like I had run a marathon, and was ready for some rest.
Most importantly Isaac really enjoyed his Halloween experience. After he understood that his friends were wearing costumes, he enjoyed being Max, and a dragon, and loved trick or treating with Stella. They were precious together, and a reminder of the payoff that all of my discomfort will bring.
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