Now having a newborn in my arms while celebrating his third birthday, I am reminded how far we have come in such a short amount of time. The way he can articulate his thoughts and feelings, carry on a conversation, describe experiences and emotions, and ask questions continues to surprise me. Lately he will continue to ask the same question several different ways until he is satisfied with the answer. This is usually centered around his lack of understanding of time.
Me: Isaac would you like to go to the beach house?
Isaac: Now?
Me: Tomorrow. First we will go to Bubie and Papu's house in Westlake, then to the beach house.
Isaac: Will I go to Westlake now?
Me: Yes
Isaac: Will I go to the beach house now?
Me: No, tomorrow.
Isaac: After this night night?
Me: You will have a nap, then a night night, then you will go to the beach.
Isaac: But will I go to Westlake?
This type of conversation could carry on endlessly until he was satisfied. It has become our goal to be as specific as possible, and try to find new ways to describe time and space.
He has also become fiercely independent since the birth of Coco. He wants to go to the bathroom on his own, doesn't want you in the room. Want to get dressed and undressed, put toys away without you helping, get shoes on and off, get in and out of the car seat... it has been a welcome and refreshing reaction to having a little one around. Much better than regression I suppose.
He loves his little sister and is very curious about her. He likes to lay with her, and hug her, and sleep next to her. So far no signs of animosity.
He is still VERY into trucks and cars, with a new found love of puzzles. He is very good at putting them together, and loves for us to watch. He is riding a tricycle on his own, drawing better everyday, and role playing with toys.
At three years he is a joy, a handful, and very much a little person. He is handsome and sweet with piercing blue eyes, both mellow and rambunctious depending on his mood. Very clear about his wants and needs. More outgoing than ever before, social at school, kind to his classmates, teachers, cousin, and sister. He shows empathy, compassion and understanding for others. Knows when to apologize and very much understand right from wrong. I feel proud for the little person we are raising. He is most importantly a very good person, a very kind person, a very observant person, and a very sensitive soul.
We love you I L S. Happy 3!
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