Here we are, half way through week 38. I cant believe it has finally arrived. My physical state has definitely been trumped by my emotional one. Feelings of excitement and anxiousness have overwhelmed all the aches and pains, contractions and back aches, and the general 'ick' state. I have kicked into high nesting mode trying to get everything ready before the baby comes. Cleaning and organizing, wrapping and folding, preparing... I am sure that this all helps me feel like I am gaining some control over that big unknown in front of me, but the reality is there is no control to be had.
At my last and final doctors appointment, I scheduled my induction for Monday December 7th @ 8am. It is quite possible that I could go naturally before then, as I am already starting to dilate, efface, and the head is 'right there'. It feels good to see the end, and to be able to prepare for it. With Isaac being unable to visit the hospital I wanted to make sure to make careful arrangements for him. This will allow me to feel like loose ends are tied up, and that things are as organized as they can be given the situation.
Friends and family have been so supportive during these past couple of weeks. It has helped me to get through, and to stay focused.
This will be my last pregnancy post, most likely ever, so in closing I will say... thank you. Thank you to my body for getting me through, to my family for carrying some of the weight, and to the precious baby growing inside of me.
Each kick reminded me, I was never alone.
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