Coco Rose Soren
She's finally arrived! Seems like we both had a similar plan for when a good entry date into the world would be. I had scheduled induction for Monday morning at 8am, and Sunday afternoon / evening the contractions began. It wasn't until our attempt at a last family dinner at Olivia on Sunday night that the contractions became consistent at seven minutes apart. After getting home and showering I decided to wait it out and see if they got any closer together. It wasn't until two in the morning that I decided its go time. We called mom and dad, and waited a nerve wrecking forty five minutes until they arrived and we could head out. I arrived at the hospital at 3am, was hooked up to IV fluids by 4am, checked by a nurse and was 1.5 cm dilated, pitocin started by 4:30am, majorly serious contractions until 7:30 am when I finally gave into the epidural, 30 minutes later I felt pressure and was checked and fully dilated. Dr. Rabin had to be pulled out of his surgery to quickly rush me into a delivery room. Stirrups flew up, half a push later baby flew out. It was a whirlwind for both me and Coco. Her breathing was quick at first so they continued to monitor her. She came out a blueish shade of purple but turned rosey pink within minutes. She weighed in at a petite 5lb 3.5oz and 19" long.
We spent 24 hours in the hospital, and after she quickly passed all of her tests were discharged. It is so wonderful to be home and to have our family of four finally together. Big brother seems to be adjusting to his new world, both curious and excited. He calls her 'my baby' and continues to ask where she is, what she is doing, why she is doing it. He mimics her funny little hands and mouth, and seems pretty enthralled as are mom and dad.
With my milk finally coming in, the sleep situation hasn't been all that bad. She is very easy to settle, and latched on immediately after delivery. She has been making things very easy on us.
I think I can speak for every member of our family in saying we are totally in love with Coco, and having so much fun getting to know her each day. She has rounded out our threesome into something much greater than we ever imagined, and this is only the beginning.
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