wt. 18lb <0%
ht 29.5" 25%
And now lets talk about things that actually matter. Coco is crawling ferociously. It has allowed her to get anywhere she needs to go very quickly, she can pull up, cruise, squat up and down and has started trying to stand in the middle of the room if she has something or somebody to grab onto. If steadied she can stand for a second or two, but has a long way to go till she will be standing on her own. Walking still seems like an insurmountable milestone, and with that being said i know it will happen sooner than I think. She continues to make physical progress, so that too will happen when its time.
She understands anything you say to her and responds. If you even say 'night night' or 'nap time' or 'sleep' in a sentence unrelated to her you will look over and she will be laying on the floor with her thumb in her mouth. She can point out all of her body parts. She loves mimicking actions and sounds:
She still has few words, and we are guessing her speech will be delayed as it is with most children with low tone, but I am confident she will get there. She doesn't stop talking and trying to make sounds, so think it is just a matter of putting it all together.
She rarely gets cranky, has an incredibly flexible schedule and loves her big brother. Her eating has become more fussy with now only a few things she adores, and others she tolerates. Most go directly onto the floor. We have been doing a music class and a my gym class together both of which she really really enjoys. She is very social, loves to be the center of attention, but also carefully observes. Coco is most certainly a girl. Her shoes, hats, and any other accessory are a must for daily wardrobe - already - and she LOVES putting them on and taking them off. With that said she has no interest in her dolls, but only in Isaac's cars as she drives them around the floor making an incredibly loud - WHREEEEEE! sound. She is pointing at things that interest her, or things in a book as you read them, and is clearly starting to be present in the world and experiences she is living in. Her smile is contagious, and everyone around her, including strangers wants to eat her up. There isn't a time when I go to the market where I am not stopped and asked how old she is, or told how cute she is.
Proud mama knows that she's got something special. Of course there is that discrepancy in her age and cognitive ability, and small size that makes her seem like an amazingly cute baby genius, but considering her uphill battle physically we will take all the compliments we can get. And what girl doesn't love a compliment.
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