These two monkeys are a force to be reckoned with. Their energy is so big, so loud, so fast, that it has become much more than a two on one battle. There have been moments over the past week where I have thought to myself 'on no, i am in for some trouble'. And then of course I am delighted that they have started playing together, and entertaining each other, regardless of the amount of mischief and mess it is causing our household. Coco only wants to be around Isaac. She loves to scream and rough house, and finds ANYTHING he does laugh out loud funny. The game of the week seems to be Coco and Isaac sitting in the back seat of the car throwing their 'money milk' at each other. Coco will put it on her head then do a 'peek a boo' which Isaac responds to, then she throws it to Isaac who whips it back in her face causing her to laugh from deep within her belly. And it doesn't' get old. They can keep it up on the entire 20 minute drive to and from school every single day.
They have been having 'private parties' where they go into Isaac's room and screech and throw pillows, and laugh... while I wait outside for the first indication of party's over - which is always Coco crying from being pummeled to the ground. BUT SHE DOESN'T CARE. She loves it and goes back for more time and time again. My general philosophy as a parent is to let them be as loud as they want, as rough as they want, have as much fun as they want, while carefully observing so that nobody gets seriously injured. I think that this is their bonding time, and the less involvement from me the better. If there is one thing I have learned through my relationship with my brother is that we have the most fun when it is just the two of us. We can hang out on our terms and enjoy each other without any of the baggage our parents bring to the table. I completely respect my kids need for time alone getting into things, scheming, and going to war against mom and dad. It is fun to see Isaac in the big brother role, and Coco's admiration for him. It is a constant reminder of why we chose to have our number two, who we now couldn't imagine our lives without.
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