Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Seems like every spring we are faced with some health challenges. At this point I have come to expect them. I am so on top of it, and so well seasoned at this point that at the first sign of something I can call it - even if it is a strange and very rare thing. A fever with crankiness to follow= roseola. A tiny limp in Isaac's leg = toxic synovitis. A fever with pain when sucking her thumb= Hand Foot Mouth. Perhaps it is that I have seen these run through my household, or a close friends household at least once. Or the warnings that come in Isaac's mailbox, "a child in your class has xyz". Those certainly are tip offs to the what is about to ensue, but I chalk it up to mother's intuition.
Isaac's second bout with the strange "i just woke up and i cant walk illness" otherwise known as toxic synovitis was not as bad as the first. He could express his discomfort which helped, and he could walk with a heavy limp. With a last minute trip by mom to Dr. Shulman's office and a little Motrin he recovered quickly, and was at school the next day.
Hand foot and mouth sucked a whole lot more. After a long day of meetings Coco cried all the way in the car to dinner. At that point I already knew she had HFM, so this was just confirmation. We headed to the Pediatric Urgent Care and confirmed the diagnosis. The doctor was awful, Coco was upset, it was a no fun experience. With Tylenol it was manageable, but she was certainly not herself and very needy of love and extra attention. It effected her ability to eat (you could see the large sores on her tongue hands and feet)and I believe they are still bothering because her appetite isn't what it was. It has only been 5 days since the diagnosis, so I will give it a few more before I worry.
These are the big ticket items that are strung together by colds, coughs, and general spring un-wellness. With April first around the corner I can only hope that we are at the end of our spring string, and heading into a much healthier period of time. We have kept it in perspective, and with each hurdle we manage to climb over feel stronger and more capable to deal with the cards we are dealt. After all they are just cards that come and go - and with a strong KNOCK ON WOOD- we are parents who feel tremendously lucky to be able to wave goodbye to the illnesses as they head out of our house, and probably and unfortunately into another.

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