Monday, March 21, 2011


We visited Isaac's open house this week at school and had the opportunity to meet some of the teachers in team III (where he will be next year) as well as see some of the things he has been working on in Teacher Ruth's class. The focus of this month has been Art. The students have been learning about famous artists, van Gouh, Picasso, Pollock, and have been doing art based in the style of those they are studying. They have also been reading stories, and then illustrating their own books. I have to say I had some disappointment when I saw the art projects that were focused on the work of specific famous artists. The van Gogh sunflowers were all so similar. Clearly teacher directed work with little room for the students own interpretation. I spoke with his teacher about it, and asked her to come up with a project where there were some parameters, but where the children were allowed to express their own creativity. I loved the results in Isaac's 10 apples on top project. Each drawing was clearly his, and looked very different from that of his classmates. Although they all shared the same quantity of apples, the styles and methods varied. I wanted to share Isaac's book with a smile because I thought it was a wonderful reflection of how his creative juices are flowing at age 4.

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