Monday, December 13, 2010

Coco is One


We somehow got here faster than I ever imagined. Only a year later, and my tiny baby is now a little person full of expressions and joy, and very clear about what she likes and doesn't. This first year was not without struggle. But with saying that, I will also say that each milestone was filled with so much more happiness and appreciation. In many ways I have gotten to experience her as a 'baby' for longer than a normally developing child, and the slowness of it all has been a gift knowing this is my last time mothering a 0-12.
I am now seeing the light. She is so close to making all sorts of physical connections. As soon as she can stabilize her pelvis she will be crawling and walking and moving, and I do believe when that happens she will be swift and fierce and something to reckoned with. She is still in therapy twice a week which continues to help. Each day I see improvement and motivation to get going.
Her fine motor is more than fine. She is stacking and putting things in, taking out, playing instruments with intent, eating well, grabbing.
She knows yes and no, and can tell by intonation the difference between a question and a statement. Until recently all food was ending up on the floor, but we have quickly realized if you don't pay attention to her while she is testing that out, it doesn't last. She goes through periods of wanting to eat, and wanting nothing to do with it, and we respect both. I have started weaning her to milk which at first was a disaster, but now seems to be understood and accepted. Yes! This means freedom for mama during her days which I haven't yet figured out what to do with.
Coco weighs about 15 pounds. A tiny babe, but an amazingly beautiful one who is far bigger than her size in so many ways. We have recently bought her shoes to start getting her used to the idea, and she is smitten with them. She loves her little dollhouse, her bus, blocks, rings, cars, trucks, and her big brother.
Coco's one year iron test showed her to be anemic (like mama)and in need of some daily iron drops to help give her the boost she needs.
She is light and warmth and love, and the icing on our lives. How lucky we are to spend each day in her presence, and to learn from her strength, strong will, courage, and determination. I look up to her everyday.
Happy Birthday baby girl.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


How did we get here? I mean, she has been around forever, or so at least it feels that way... but at the same time, I was just pregnant. My daughter, the fabulous little being that she is, finally feels better. Month 10 was a very tough one with roseola and colds being strung together for several weeks at a time. She just wasn't herself, and all of it made her extremely clingy and needy of mommy. I thought it was separation anxiety, which of course she is dealing with as well, but it was heightened by her just feeling totally under the weather.
Luckily it all cleared up just in time for the supersorens to make an appearance for Halloween, and my little witch was perfection.
In so many ways I feel lucky that Coco's development has been on the slower side. I have been able to enjoy her in each phase a little longer, knowing that all too soon she will be running around and talking back. I do truly know in my heart that this little bit of struggle has already shown her what hard work is, and what it means to fight for something that you want. Shes a tiger, ready and eager to go, and a little lover. A big kiss to my litte miss on the eleventh month of her life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I knit this turtle for Isaac when he was still in the womb with no expectation for its future. It was my favorite little knit toy by virtue of its size, simple color palate, and 'cute' factor. This turtle was easy to adore. It wasn't until Isaac was (and now I cant remember exactly when) hmmm... a year and a half old??? that "Mr. Toots" was born, and established as a life long buddy. He seemed to be money milk's side kick, and very soon an essential entity for sleeping, relaxing, an playing around the house. Unlike money milk of which we have many dopplegangers around; in each of our cars, in his bed, at bubies, and a few in locked up vaults around our house and isaac's school emergency earthquake kit, Mr. Toots, or 'tootie' is one of a kind. For years now the sentence 'where is Mr. Toots'? has become a staple around our house and one met with a lot of anxiety when it comes to making sure he is around. When Isaac was two he used to hide toots knowing that the search was a good old time for the whole family. Luckily he has three of four consistent hiding spots that were always the go to in our moments of panic. Recently as his play has become more creative, and as he has ventured into places in the house even we dont know about, Mr. Toots has gone missing for more than an hour or two. This past week was the first night Isaac slept without tootie because we just couldn't find him. After 14 hours, and a tearful mommy, he was located in a secret hiding compartment in Isaac's top bunk. I now have an eye on tootie at all times. He is my third child. He is rarely allowed outside of the house, and is on a tight leash at all times. This little turtle, with its pieces of hanging yarn and two button eyes has become a member of our family, and Isaac's love and devotion for this 'little fella' is only further validation that little homespun creations can change the world.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

We've Entered Double Digits

At the Montage, Laguna. Coco 10 months.

How did that happen? Ten months... really? It is hard to believe that Coco is already ten months old. Two teeth later, I think we are finally over the hurdle and have our sweet little girl back. It was so obvious that the teething was really painful for her, and what is more agonizing than watching your child in pain when there is nothing you can do to make her feel better.
We did take a small hiatus to Laguna with Bubie for a couple nights away at the Montage. The original idea was a trip to Vancouver to visit Ros, but in the end we stayed local, and the ease and simplicity of the whole trip was mighty refreshing. Sunset dinner overlooking the Pacific, some time at the spa, a late night swim - completely alone - with the exception of the stars and a acoustic guitarist in an Olympic sized swimming pool, and afternoon at fashion square, an adorable mini down blanket for our little love... it was filled with luxury and accomodation, and all things good. I clearly remember thinking that this was the first of many 'ladies' trips in our future, and in the same moment feeling thankful for taking the opportunity to start the ritual now. We can never get this time back.
Coco is so close to moving and grooving. She has been transitioning between sitting and her tummy. She is trying to push towards objects, but ends up pushing herself farther away which leads to the obvious frustration. She is scooting around on her tush, and waving up a storm. Coco can now stand supported for long periods playing with objects on a table or surface. She is an amazingly good eater, and seems delighted to try new things. It has been fun going to restaurants, family of four, now that she is in a highchair and part of the gang. She will sit for long periods entertained by her food and company. It is a good age. One I just love.
Therapy continues, we have one more session at the clinic and then we will be two times a week at home. I have no idea if it is making any difference, but it isn't hurting, so for now we will stick with it. The most important thing is that there is continuous progress that is exciting and new, and that she is of course, the most amazing little person.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Letter 'D' and other new developments...

Isaac has been consistently uninterested in learning his letters. It has always seemed like a chore, and for this reason we have never pushed it. We figured when he was ready he would show interest, and it would just come. In the meantime he has excelled at so many other things, that it has been facsinating to watch how a little person comes to be. His love for music and storytelling, his social prowess and ability to communicate with very clear speech and articulation, his fine motor and drawing, his MEMORY. These things consistently surprise us and make us smile.
We have just started team two at discovery school, and Isaac is in Teacher Martha's class. At this week's back to school night she shared with us some of the goals for learning this year, and how her teaching philosophy was centered around learning through play. They were going to learn social skills, responsibility, emotions, how to be 'kind' people, gross motor skills, fine motor skills (cutting was stressed), and then of course the alphabet and numbers. Martha spoke about the letter of the week, and how each week she would be focusing on a different letter and learning about it a myriad of different ways. This week was letter 'D'. As we were driving to school this week Isaac asked me if I knew any words that started with the letter 'D', and before I could respond he said, 'I DO'... dog, doll, drum, doctor, dentist, diamond, dinosaur, dragon, and continued from there. Then came the " A big 'D' looks like a stick with a half circle and a small 'd' looks like a stick with a little tushie. Mommy 'D' says da, an de. Every day since he is talking about D, recognizing it, and excited to know it. It is the first time I have seen him learn something academic at preschool, and yet again i am reminded he is growing up.
Coco too is growing each day. This month as Isaac has started school she has gotten sick several times. He is a wonderful carrier of all sorts of germs that she seems to catch. Two colds, pink eye, and a very fussy baby later I think we are on the mend, but it is no fun watching her struggle through it.
She loves to stand, is starting to repeat sounds like 'Cat' and 'Dada' she has the clapping down and is starting to wave more consistently. She has just started to transition from sitting over to hands and knees to belly. I never thought she would crawl but it looks like she just may.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nine Months, and reflecting on our recent trip.

She has officially been in the outside world as long as she was incubating inside of me. That would make it eighteen months since this whole journey began. There have been so many changes this month. She started the month by mastering eating solids. She cant get enough. She takes handfuls of food at a time and seems to enjoy everything she is eating. She loves having slices of pizza, and toast. All small pieces of food are game as well as her pincer grasp is getting better each day. Her physical development has been fun to watch. We took a big trip to Toronto this month that seemed to have awaken her physical being. She is rolling back and forth and around the room, she is sitting and reaching, going in circles on her tummy. All movement is slow and thought out, but there is movement and desire to play and grasp objects. Some memory highlights of the trip:::
-Watching her roll all around the cottage floor for the first time.
-Her first swing.
- Watching her clap when asked for the first time.
-Taking both kids in paddle boats, canoes, moater boats.
-Taking Isaac on a tube ride.
-Water skiing.
-Ice cream with Isaac in a tiny Muskoka town.
-Sleeping next to Isaac for the first time ever.
-Taking engagement photos for Leila and Diggy
-Seeing how comfortable Isaac was staying at Barb and Paul's house.
-Brunch at Uncle Andrews.
-Watching Isaac play with all of his older cousins.

Most things find their way into her mouth, and she is transferring objects from one had to another (a big milestone apparently). She loves to stand and is getting steadier on her legs. She is clapping and waving and very good with her feet. She is starting to make a connection between the spoken word and the object, occasionally pointing to my 'nose' or 'mouth' when asked. Wiggling her toes when they are spoken about.
More than anything she is so darn cute. Truly (i know cliche) the baby I would guess most parents dream of. In perfect honesty, even Isaac was more difficult than Coco and he was a dream baby. She is a love in every way imaginable. She has started with some separation anxiety, holding her hands out to mommy, not wanting to be passed off to others. This is often when she is tired or when I have been in and out all day. She loves and wants her mommy, and the feeling couldn't be more mutual. She loves books and being read to, is starting to really enjoy blocks, stacking, putting things in and out. She is grasping well. Now in terms of crawling...hmmm.. we seem a ways a way. The therapist thinks she would be more likely to skip crawling and go straight to walking, but thinks its very important that she crawl to build the strength in her arms. We are working on it, as it is the main focus in therapy and in constructive play around here. Coco now knows how to flip onto her back in an instant so it is hard to get any tummy time out of her, but we have sneaky ways of getting her on her hands and knees. It will be a big and interesting month to come.

9 Month Stats

14lb 8oz lb (3rd%)

26.5" (20%)

Little Swimmer

Thinking back to last year, Isaac was terrified of the water. Just getting him in the pool was a feat in itself. We have a pool in very close proximity to our house so I knew that learning to swim was a safety issue, and something that was not optional. After searching for what I thought would be the best swimming program for him we found the Water Whisperer and signed him up. After ten thirty minute sessions he was comfortable in the water, able to put his head under, and happy to play.
Jump to this summer, there was some regression although we weren't back to square one. I knew some additional swimming lessons were in order so I signed him up for another two weeks with the teacher he adored last year, Brando. Two weeks later he was so incredibly close to swimming, just missing the last step, popping up for air. I decided to sign up for an additional two weeks, and although it was a huge drag to have to drive back and forth every day for a month, we have a little swimmer on our hands. He is jumping in on his own, swimming to the side, diving for toys. He can comfortably swim the length of the pool, flip onto his back and float, and for the first time I feel comfortable that he would absolutely be able to find his way to the edge if he fell in. We can sit outside the pool and he can swim and play. It has been a joy to watch his confidence soar with the addition of these new skills. He seems to have a genuine love for swimming and the water and can spend long periods of time in the pool occupying himself.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Ocho + so much more

Photos from this morning, a beautifully typical one.

As I sit hereat Cici's cafe eating a giant plate of crepes I am savoring both the crepes and the quiet while coco sleeps in the stroller next to me. Did i mention that the crepes are smothered with strawberries, bananas, nutella, and whip cream (my new obsession with crepes deserves a post all onto itself) I have had some time to reflect on the past month, and all the beauty it has brought with it. Last month was such an important one for me. It allowed me to verbally spew all of my fears and worries into cyber space leaving me feeling light and free and completely able to move forward. It has been so easy this month just to enjoy both kids, and soak up their light. In so many ways I have never been happier, and i have certainly never felt more physically or spiritually connected with both myself, and my family and friends. The yoga and Pilates I practice almost daily, the jogging, the strength training. It has all left me feeling strong from my core. I can do this. And now that i have rambled about myself, a little bit about my babes... Coco is love. Her complete contentment in each moment continues to remind me of the big picture. Yes my eight month old is teaching me life lessons. She is very wise, and so present. Her eyes speak volumes, and so clearly communicate to me exactly where she is. She is sitting, and can be left sitting to play for long period of time. She is pushing up on her arms to lift her chest off the ground. She is rolling in both directions, that is if she feels like it. I find her in here stomach most mornings. She is lifting here knees and tucking them under her. Mostly she is chatting. The girl had a lot to say and does not stop dadadadadading and babababababaing and screeching with delight. She is picking up toys with one had, two hands, passing between both hands, putting toys in her mouth, grabbing with intent. She loves balls, anything with wheels, hair, jewelry, but more than anything, she loves her brother. Amazingly, her brother loves here to. He often doesn't like her, but he loves her. He always wants to know where she is. He brings her toys, and shares things most important to him with her. I almost passed out when I looked in the mirror in front of cocos car seat only to find his beloved money milk (blanket) in her lap. In so many ways he too has matured and settled into three and a half. I am not sure if it is having Natalia, or nanny and his true love back, or if its his age, or his new confidence from learning to swim, but he is so fun to be with, and very rarely gives us a hard time. He prides himself in helping out, and in doing things that he has just learned. He is swimming on his own, and loves being in the water. He loves dancing and storytelling. He adores outings with us. He is getting dressed and undresed on his own. Can identify instruments in songs and makes up his own lyrics. He still hasn't mastered the use of very specific concepts, the main one being time. Anything in the past happened 'yesterday'. Lunch and dinner are often mixed up. Later, and tomorrow are not yet fully understood. He has no patience for numbers and letters although he is getting better with recognizing them. He is no longer in a high chair, and we just bought I'm size 4 underwear and size 9.5 shoes. He is a big boy. Both the tallest in the class and the most grown up in so many ways. So for today I conclude by saying life is filled with so many blessings. I went to see Rent with mom this weekend at the hollywood bowl and as always was inspired by it's message, 'no day but today'. And as for this day, as coco begins to stir in her carseat, we will head to music class (our very cherished time together) where she will be delighted by the sounds, and the other babies. Then we will pick up isaac from school. The look on both of their faces as they are reunited is the highlight if each of my days. We will have lunch, and I will watch in amazement as coco works on her pincer grasp with each cheerio she tries to pick up. Then i will take Isaac to swimming lessons with Brando, and again smile as I watch him dive off the diving board and swim to the other end of the pool. And perhaps even a little time for me to recenter and reflect and sweat, some yoga, and a late night Pilates class. I am becoming increasingly more aware of what we all (four sorens) need, and that is the first step in trying to meet those needs. Mostly I am savoring this period of balance and light and equilibrium.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Seven months later.

Yes, this is an entry about Coco, but the above photo is most fitting. This has been a tough month filled with ups and downs. It has been... filled. At this exact moment I am filled to capacity. Swim lessons, back and forth to discovery school, physical therapy, my own need to exercise, cooking, keeping up the house, two blogs... its all a lot, and its all the time. If I'm not physically doing something for one of the kids, Im thinking about them, worrying about them, consumed by them. And yes, this is motherhood, and Im not special. I dont love my kids more than other mothers do, and I know every mother has their own set of worries and consumption, but this month has just been a lot.
Coco started therapy last month. At the beginning of it, she couldn't stand, sit, had very little ability to do tummy time, and now a month later we have made some major strides. She is standing on her legs, and almost sitting on her own (with some tumbles of course). Her therapist name is Martha, and she has been wonderful in every way. Both helping Coco physically, and me emotionally. Reminding me that everything is not a therapy exercise, and to try and enjoy Coco at this age just for being who she is. That is the hardest part. Here I have the most adorable wonderful easy baby on the planet, and I want to remember her as such in a few years. I don't want to think back and remember having to go to therapy with her, making sure she was doing her exercises, blah blah. It is this strange lesson in finding a way to accept and embrace what is, while simultaneously doing every possible thing you can for your child. When I'm not with her I feel guilty, counting the minutes I could be helping her. When I am with her there are moments of frustration, and moments of victory. And of course, as every mother does, I have somehow gotten myself involved in this whole thing. Did I do something in pregnancy to cause this? Could I be doing more to help her? It is very hard. The whole thing is trying, and very hard to keep in perspective. I wish I could see a year into the future, know if and when she will catch up to her friends. How this will effect her, if at all, in her adult life. And then there is Isaac who is so patient, and kind to her. I do everything I can to make sure he gets just as much attention, but is the time I need to spend with her, practicing her tricks, taking away from him and his needs.
And so there you have it, my stream of thought as of today. There are good days and bad days, but every single day I am reminded of the beauty of both of my children, so different in their own worlds, so independent and strong. Truly I am just an advocate for their needs. They both do all the hard work on their own.
So how do I cope? Other moms. My world, my love, my friends. They are the ones who understand what I am going through, the ones who offer the most amazing sound advice, and the ones that continue to talk me down from the ledge. They can look at me, and within a moment know what is bothering me, without my having to say so. They are each so beautiful and so poignant, and I am so lucky to have found them. As my tiny circle of friends has grown this year, I have been reminded of the power of motherhood. The bond mothers have with one and other. As I was driving to pick up Isaac yesterday I thought to myself, I imagine this is what soldiers feel for each other, and veterans years later. Only a mother knows what it is like to be on this journey, and there is a quick and easy bond that forms amongst the moms you connect with. To each of my dear mamas, who I love with every bit that I am, I thank you for the support I feel not only when I am with you, but when I am very alone. You jump start me when I am stalled out, and fuel me to keep things going. I look forward to every moment I get to be with you and your kids, and am so excited to watch them all grow up together.
Coco will be fine. She will thrive and me sassing me up in no time. And when I look back at this time in my life, I will think back to her beauty, her courage and strength, and then I will remember my glorious matriarchs, for whom without, motherhood would just not be possible.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Amazing Conversation

On the way to school today Isaac was talking about his new favorite show Wow Zubby Zubby, and told me that someone was cutting the trees down, so the Grizzly Bears were not going to have any where to live. Mommy where are they going to hibernate? So we started talking about what things were made from trees, that wood came from trees, that paper came from trees. And then what animals were effected by this. We talked about one of his favorite books the Lorax. Then we talked about the trees in our backyard, and how we have seen deer there, and squirrels, and other animals, and how they would be effected if the trees were cut down. "Where would they go mommy?" to "I want to see another deer mommy." To mommy why haven't we seen a giraffe in the trees, or a bear." I explained that bears liked cold climates, and since it doesn't snow in los angeles, bears generally dont live here. Then I explained about giraffes, and Africa. "I want to go to Africa mommy, I am going to bring my sunglasses because its very hot there. But the giraffe shouldn't try to eat my suglasses. He can wear them if he wants, but not eat them." What other animals would you see in Africa Isaac? "Monkeys, and Tigers, and Lions, and Spiders." Like what movie? "Like Madagasgar, and Santa Madagascar... and Lion King."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Coco - One Half Year Old

What she lacks in physical development, she certainly makes up for in hair growth. Our little bean, at the ripe age of six months can sport pig tails almost as long as mommy's, and a mohawk to boot. It feels like with each month so much development occurs, and yet we are anticipating so much that is going to happen. It was only in this month that I began to worry about Coco's physical development. If you hold her under her arms, she wont put any pressure on her legs, and she is not yet sitting, or rolling. With that being said her neck and core strength is so much better, and with each day we are seeing progress. At her 6 month check up this week I expressed concern to Dr. Shulman who acknowledged my observations, and suggested we have Coco see a pediatric neurologist to cover all of our basis. He thought that she could better access Coco's development, and suggest a course of action. Her weight was 11lbs 13oz, which was below 0% on the chart, and 24" which was 11%. He wasn't worried about either, and said she was gaining weight steadily at about a half pound a month, and that this would likely be her pattern for the next six months.
We have visited Dr. Michelle (her last name is impossible to pronounce or remember), the pediatric neurologist in Pasadena (who ironically lives five doors down from us) and she too agreed that Coco's development was on the slow side of normal, but that it would all catch up in time. She thought we could choose weather or not we wanted to do physical therapy, and that perhaps a couple sessions might give us some ideas of exercised we want to do with Coco at home. Dr. Michelle wanted to see us in three months to reevaluate, and wanted her to be passing an object from one hand to the other by that time.
SO, that is the state of the union around here. We have chosen to do a couple physical therapy sessions, and have our first appointment tomorrow, and even over the weekend have seen progress and improvement. Her sitting is getting better, her grasping too.
With all that being said, she is an absolute delight, and we are sure that much of the delay in development has to do with her progress socially and verbally. She is chatting up a storm, very interested in being around friends and family, and incredibly easy going. She is very much the joy of our house on most days, and has a smile that not only lights up her entire face but the entire room. I am so enjoying her as a baby, and appreciating each day.
We have started solid foods. I spent a day making sweet potatoes, green peas, butternut squash, pears, peaches. She has tried the sweet potatoes, and some avocado. So far she good give or take it. Not so interested, but willing to deal with it. This week we will try some fruit, and if she is anything like her brother she is going to love it.

Horizon Room, Coming to an End

As my days have become routine in so many ways, I have favorite parts. Highlights, that draw me from one event to the next. The things I look forward to most. For me picking Isaac up from school is one of these movements. The conversations I have with him on the car rides home are the best of the day. They are always rich with stories, and anecdotes, clever and witty thoughts, and very honest emotion. This week we have had some amazing chats.

Monday: Isaac told me that he was learning about outer space and Astronauts. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said a 'Chef'. I of course was gloating with the response until I said, like mommy? And then with no time at all he said, no, not like mommy. Mommy is a 'cooker' I will be a 'chef'. Wow I thought, a cooker? I am not sure which stung more. The fact that he was right (I am so NOT a chef) or the fact that he could distinguish the difference. From there we talked about other people in our family and their professions. Mommy is also and architect. Daddy is a director. What is a director? Blah Blah... Then he wanted to know what Papu did. I told him Papu is a business man. What kind of business he wanted to know. Computers I said. He sells computers and helps fix them. I want a computer Mommy! I know sweetie, you will have one one day. I know mommy, I will have a computer when Im a MAN!

Tuesday: More space talk. Mommy did you know Saturn has rings, Jupiter is big, Mars is tiny. There is a planet named after a dog. And on and on. I was so excited that he was picking up on and learning some of the things they were talking about in school. And then came Mama you know that people who go to the moon have to wear 'Gravity Boots', and 'Space Suits' with 'Oxygen Helmets'. OMG! Now I was blown away. Really Isaac? Why? So they dont float off the moon, and so they can breathe. Its scary out there mommy. They need to be safe. And in this one conversation I was reminded I am now raising a boy, not a baby, not even a toddler. A boy.

Thursday: Mommy Teacher Jennifer told us when we learn about the sun it is going to be our last day in the Horizon Room. That is coming soon. I said, yes it is, you only have one week left with Teachers Jennifer and Karla. He said he didn't want to go to a new class. He wanted to stay in the Horizon Room forever. I explained all of his friends were moving to new classes, and that it was time for the little kids to go into the Horizon Room. He said, I know mommy, but it makes me sad.

Friday: How was your day Isaac? Tell me about it? Was there a picnic at school? What did you have for lunch? Mommy... I dont want to talk to you right now. I will talk to you when we get home.

The things he says, the ways in which he says them are funny, infuriating, frustrating, enlightening, hilarious, and truly amaze me each and every day. His memory is crazy. The things he brings up from the past wow me. He is truly remarkable.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coco Five Months

I love this photo because it so captures where Coco is at five months. Starting to interact with toys, reaching, grabbing, focusing in a new way with intent and pleasure. This is an amazing age. She has begun to hold her neck up with more ease, and enjoys the time on her belly. She seems to know how to get from her belly to back, but not yet the other way around.
This month we had a few stage nights where Coco was refusing the breast or bottle. We would put her to sleep, wake her up twenty minutes later, and she would eat like nothing happened. It has not happened since. She is beginning to coo and make great noises when she is done with her feedings, and is becoming increasingly distracted by what is going on around her.
Oh, and how very exciting for her, she has found her feet. She loves to watch them and grab for them. They make her smile and laugh with delight. She has started sitting in her bumbo seat, and I think enjoys this new perspective on the world around.
Coco is a social being, and a real girl. She is happy to be in her car seat at a meal as long as she can see everyone at the table. She is calm and patient, and a very very easy baby. We took a trip to Disneyland last week, and she couldnt' have been easier to be with. Happy when awake, interested, napped well, never crabby. I often think, what did I do to deserve this perfectly easy beautiful little girl. Very simply put she is joy. She is light. She is heaven.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Up to this point I have been a little worried about Coco's ability to hold her head up, and her general desire to move and groove. Just this week I have noticed tremendous improvement. Not only is she holding her head up high during tummy time, but she has found her feet, and is super close to rolling over. She, like Isaac is always practicing rolling on one side. For Isaac it was his right, for Coco her left. You can see in her eyes a new confidence in her abilities, and a sweet tender fire brewing in her gut. I predict within a week we will have a roller, and with this the end of her beloved counter time. As with Isaac, with each achievement comes new limitations and boundaries. Regardless each of these milestones no matter how little, are no less amazing the second time around.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Defiance + Negotiations

At Coco's four month appointment, the first question Dr. Shulman asked was, how is Isaac? When I rolled my eyes and said, holy cow he is a handful, he responded with... 3 1/2 is the hardest age. They are defiant, and everything is about a negotiation. He is spot on.
It seems like most days are a constant string of negotiations with the young sir. Getting dressed has been a battle every day, transitions from one activity to another, meal time, nap time, using the bathroom, bath time... all are a power struggle and an opportunity for him to be defiant and difficult. We have started giving him choices, which have helped him to feel empowered and therefor eliminate the need for him to defy. Other than that there are very few tactics I have found that work.
Some of the highlights of his new behavior:
-throwing an apple from the backseat (hard) at the windshield because he was finished with it.
- not wanting to go anywhere we are going
- chasing and hitting cats
- waving his hands in our face, and hitting out of frustration
- climbing all over me while nursing
We know this is a normal developmental stage but I for one look forward to it passing. ASAP. Please.

Four Months Later...

Our little cocobean finally hit four months old. The past four weeks has been amazingly fun. Dare I say she is the dream baby? She is smiley and cooing, sleeping well, starting to grab for things, interacting, and very much along for the ride. She is generous with her wild older brother, patient with her parents, and sweet with those she doesn't know. It is a complete 180 from where she started, and a very welcome and surprising change. i want to be around her all the time. I am excited when she wakes up, and I just think she is a super cool little person.
At her four month check up she weighed 10 lbs 6 oz (3%) and was 23 1/4" long (15%). Yes she is petite, but she packs a punch. I was a little concerned about her neck control, and Shulman did agree that it was on the lower end of where she should be for her age, but he didn't think it was anything to be concerned about. He thought over time it would get better, and was only indicative of her possibly crawling or walking later. All else was superb, and he agreed, she is super duper cute. She got her four month vaccines, urg, and we spent the remainder of the day at home training our new nanny Tina.
It seems too good to be true at this point. We all adore our new Marry Poppins, and are hoping that the fit works for all parties involves, and is a long term one. For now I am enjoying the feeling of trusting someone else with my kids, and starting to wrap my head around getting back into work. Hopefully after this next week of training I will feel ready.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


As coco approaches three and a half months, and Isaac three years and three months, the both have an enormous amount to say. There is constant chatter around our house, delightful squeals and coos and laugh out loud comments that keep us on our toes. Coco had just found her voice, and loves to add to conversations. When she is in the swing she talks with delight, and tests out the different noises she can. Her tongue is constantly moving around as she explores the world through sound.

Isaac has become very interested in story telling. He loves when David and I make up stories about random and silly things, and loves to tell us stories in return. He has begun narrating when he is playing with his toys, cars have become characters in a plot, and his 'friends' interact throughout the day. He enjoys role playing. Most often I hear him acting as a teacher, or a parent telling his 'friends' to make a night night, or to sit down in a circle. At a recent playmate I noticed a huge shift. He is now interacting with his friends instead of playing alongside of them. The make up scenarios of something chasing them, of monsters and dragons, of 'scary' things, and of adventures and missions to accomplish.

Some very funny things Isaac has said:
"Mommy, do you hear this instrument... it is a trumpet".
"Mommy, do you know that green thing I have. Its a marhonica. Daddy has a box of 'marhonicas'. We play them together, but not too loud because it will wake Coco."
"Mommy, your hair looks dirty today. You need to shower. I know that may make you sad, but I will give you a hug'.
"Mommy. its January, and its summer." No Issac, it is March and it is spring. "NO! Mommy! I know. It is January and it is summer. Lets go swimming."

Isaac has also been very interested in describing other peoples body types. We walked by a lady recently and Isaac informed her that she was 'fat'. David and I looked at eachother and tried to figure out how to best handle it. We told him that everyone has different types of bodies, and that fat was not a nice word and would hurt the ladies feelings. Now every time he sees an overweight person he says "Mommy, that person has a different type of body." Urg. I guess it is better than the alternative.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

three months & three years

Both of our little pip-squeaks have had their visits to Dr. Shulman in the past week, and both of them are growing and developing beautifully. Isaac had his three year check up, and Dr. Shulman told us that he didn't recognize Isaac's personality. He was so much more outgoing and engaging, and very much a little boy. He was 34 pounds and 38" tall. Apparently he is 'long and lean' at 75% for height and 60 for weight. Hard to believe it is the same 5 pound baby I gave birth to. At home Isaac has been very emotional. He is up and down. Sweet and difficult. He is occasionally having potty accidents at school and in the mornings, but not often. He is being woken by his little sister and it seems every morning there is a party of four in our bed. It is my favorite part of the day. Isaac loves Bob Marley, especially "three little birds". He LOVES to dance, and tries to snap his fingers. He has started tennis lessons, and is beginning to be able to draw shapes and figures. He is doing better with recognizing his alphabet, and is very much enjoying school and his friends.
Coco weighed 9lb 3 oz at her three month checkup, up exactly four pounds from her birth weight. She is smiling and loving. She has been waking only once in the night, and in no longer in the swaddle. She has found her thumbs and uses them often. She is cooing, making great little noises. Her hair is growing daily, and her personality developing.
I am so grateful to have to healthy and beautiful kids. Watching them grow up is more amazing than I ever could have imagined. Seeing the little moments of their interactions, and Isaac's obvious love and care for her melts me. He always wants to make sure she is included, and cared for, and doesn't like to hear her cry or fuss. I cant wait to see them start interacting and playing with each other.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Sky Has Parted

Coco is now two months old. At her two month checkup she weighed in at 8lb 6oz, and was 20" long. After complaining to Dr. Shulman about our lack of sleep, he suggested we let her cry for 10 minutes at night. We decided to follow his advice, and her sleep has dramatically improved. We are down to two feedings a night. She usually wakes at 12:30 and we let her cry, then she goes back to sleep until 2. Then she wakes around 5:30. Then 7. It seems so much more manageable than a week ago when she was waking every 2-3 hours. I think we are on our way to better nights ahead.
The improved sleep has also made for a much less cranky Coco during the day. She is smiling and cooing. There isn't as much crying between feedings, and she really is becoming a little person. We adore the first hour of the day where she is all smiles and a love to be around.
Now that she is sleeping better, and showing a little personality it is much easier to picture a very happy future with this little lady. I feel excited to watch her grow and develop. As I slowly regain pieces of myself in this process (cooking a meal, baking, exercising, getting my body back) life feels like it is heading towards a new normal.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Six Week Peak of Fussiness

It is a known fact that six weeks is the peak of fussiness for babies. As we are entering our seventh week, I am happy that we have made it through. Coco has gone from being fussy at any time she is awake, to being fussy when there is genuinely a reason to be (hunger, tired, gassy).
As luck would have it as soon as we got past the colicky fussiness, she got a cold, and is now back to being fussy. Poor little thing cant breathe out of her nose so she struggles to latch on while feeding, and she just seems genuinely miserable. We are hoping this too passes sooner than later.
On the bright side we have started to get some smiles as she becomes a more social being. She is so different than Isaac in the sense that she doesn't want to be left out of the action, and is super aware of her enviroment. She seems to be more of a mommy's girl, and cares very much where she sleeps and who puts her to sleep. I can tell she is going to be (and already is) firey, and particular. I suppose some of this is the fact that she is a girl, and very much her own little person.
The sleeping has been pretty rough. As she has become more aware of her surroundings she is having a harder time falling back asleep and is up for long stretches in the middle of the night. With the addition of a cold, the nights have been long and difficult. We have moved her into her own room because she seems to be a lighter sleeper and we were waking her as we got into bed at night. This hasn't seemed to make a particular difference in her sleeping for the better or worse. It is nice to have our bedroom back, and I think it is good for her to start sleeping in her own space.
On top of all of this I have been struggling with clogged milk ducts and last week, mastitis. It has made for a challenging couple of weeks, and I believe is very much my bodies way of saying... slow down! I have been hard on myself and getting very little rest between taking care of the kids, exercise, house keep, etc. I have been trying to take a little time for myself this week, but as any new mother of two knows... this is virtually impossible.
My hope the for my next entry is that we are getting more sleep, and that Coco is feeling back to her healthy self. It is awful seeing her upset and sick. I know once i feel somewhat rested the world will seem a little brighter.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Fiercely Independant

With each day it seems Isaac is becoming more and more independent. The last few mornings he has been waking up early and trying to run through his beloved morning routine all on his own. We hear bits and pieces of it as we lie in bed thinking... oh no, what kind of disaster are we going to awaken to. No doubt, it is a messy process, but it is also adorable, and important. Yesterday we heard him get out of bed, go pee, flush the toilet. Then he went back into his bedroom and started to play. He found the 'airplane backpack' where we keep wrapped treats for long trips, and he proceeded to unwrap a few toys for himself. He then brought us a beloved cars coloring book and asked if he could use it. David came into the living room and suggested some other less messy independent play toys, and then came back into the bedroom. Isaac decided he wanted cereal and went into the cupboard, got it and a bowl, and poured it for himself, and all over the floor. This morning we awoke to him pooing in the bathroom by himself, dumping his potty contents in the toilet, washing the basin, wiping (???), then unable to get his footsie pajamas back on, he decided he needed new pjs. Got a step stool, went into his drawers, found a pair of pjs that suited him, and got changed. All of this new confidence and ability is amazing. I love watching the delight in his face as he accomplishes new skills and celebrates the journey. Who knows what tomorrow morning will bring.