Sunday, December 30, 2007
going to the zoo zoo zoo, how about you you you???
Monday, December 24, 2007
Isaac, we are so proud of everything you have accomplished this year as a baby. We are excited and ready for your next year as a toddler. Thank you for forcing us to grow, for teaching us about ourselves, and for reflecting goodness back into this world. You have given us our best, most challenging year, and have transformed what was a couple of sorens into a f a m i l y.
We love you.
mama & dada
a hybrid for the sorens


San Juan, Puerto Rico > We toured the town. Browsed shops, Enjoyed the weather and scenery. Looked at historical monuments.
St. Thomas > Went to the beach. Swam in the ocean (picture above). Checked out the jewelry stores. Isaac napped in the stroller.
St. Maarten > Visited the french side of the Island. Had lunch. Shopped around. Visited the Dutch side of the Island. Shopped around. (ps. i bought NOTHING)
Tortola > Family day at the beach. Nail bitting ride in the open air shuttle over the mountain to the other side of the island.
Nassau,Bahamas > Visited Atlantis resort. Went to the aquarium. Had ice cream. Went back into town, and shopped around.
Days at Sea > Swimming, waterslides, EATING, reading, knitting, napping, gambling.
I was surprised how much we did over the week, and how flexible Isaac was. It ended up being a really great time with lots of new exploration for the both of us. We both enjoyed catching up with family. It was a great way to celebrate the end of his first year.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
hanukkah o' hanukkah
Two more nights of Hanukkah to go, and then isaac and I are off to Florida for our cruise. It will be a couple weeks until we post, but we will have lots of stories to tell when we return!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
catching up
I have been meaning to post some recent video of Isaac for a little while so here they are. I have selected five that highlight how we spend our days. There is lots of laugher and discovery.
#1: Playing Harp with Dad: Isaac has enjoyed listening to david play the harp for a while now, but this was the first time that he actually tried to participate.
#2: Finding Ernie: It has been amazing watching Isaac show us what he has probably known for a long time. He is now getting things we ask for and pointing to things we mention.
#3: Cuddling with Mom: This past month Isaac has become a lot more cuddly. I am not sure if it is because he has been under the weather, or if he is just enjoying the some down time, but I am loving every minute.
#4: Laughing,Laughing,Laughing : Need I say more?
#5: Being Silly : This is how we spend most evenings... just being goofy and having fun.
#1: Playing Harp with Dad: Isaac has enjoyed listening to david play the harp for a while now, but this was the first time that he actually tried to participate.
#2: Finding Ernie: It has been amazing watching Isaac show us what he has probably known for a long time. He is now getting things we ask for and pointing to things we mention.
#3: Cuddling with Mom: This past month Isaac has become a lot more cuddly. I am not sure if it is because he has been under the weather, or if he is just enjoying the some down time, but I am loving every minute.
#4: Laughing,Laughing,Laughing : Need I say more?
#5: Being Silly : This is how we spend most evenings... just being goofy and having fun.
takashi murakami @ moca

The show was phenomenal. I felt like I was transported to a whimsical alternate world for a an hour. Isaac was fixated on all of the colors, textures, and shapes. Each room had a wonderfully different feel, but at the same time managed to feel a part of the bigger collective. It was so much fun taking Isaac to the museum, especially to this exhibit.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
11 months
Izzy is now pointing to everything. Most of the pointing seems quite intentional, as if to say, "Hey mom, look at ____." He seems so proud of this new accomplishment.
In addition he has become incredibly decisive about what he wants and doesn't want, likes and doesn't like, etc. He will bring us a book to read, and once we are done reading it he makes sure to let us know which one to read next. If you choose one he doesn't like, he shuts the cover immediately. If there is a food he isn't interested in eating, there is no way he will eat it. He now picks through his plate and enjoys what he wants, leaving the things he isn't interested in.
Isaac is able to retrieve items by name. If you ask him to get ernie, a truck, his Gandhi doll, or a myriad of other things, he will get them. If you ask him to point to certain items in books he knows, he will point to them. He knows where the cats are at all times.
In addition, he is climbing up and down the stairs in our house, quite gracefully I might add. He is cruising around, standing with very little assistance. He is sporting 6 teeth, and eating almost everything.
Other than the colds he seems to get every other week, he is a wonderfully happy little guy. Each day brings new adventures, challenges, and milestones. I intend to savor every day of this first year, and am so looking forward to whats ahead.
Monday, November 19, 2007
the steamiest star spotting

a glorious grey weekend

On our agenda for the weekend: DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. I think we accomplished our goal. We took a long wonderful uninterrupted nap in the middle of the day (without baby monitor). We took a walk on the beach and gathered drift wood. We visited the spa and enjoyed a jacuzzi and steam. David read, I knit. I took a bath, a long shower, several hours to get ready for dinner. We then headed out to Downey's for dinner. I had wanted to try this restaurant for a long time. Husband and wife, john and liz, own and operate this tiny jewel. I have to mention that we were the youngest patrons in the joint (second to dennis franz). The food is carefully crafted from Santa Barbara's local farmer's producs. Everything was at season's peak. The butternut squash soup was in both of our opinions, the best soup we had every eaten.
We woke up the next morning and headed to IHOP. That's right... David and my guilty pleasure. We have to hit at least one on every road trip we take. Every time we leave, we concur that we have had our fix for the year. We are both fans of the german pancakes with a side of hash browns - well done, of course.
On the way back to Westlake to pick up Isaac, we stopped in Camarillo for a movie. We saw Into the Wild, which far surpassed both of our expectations. I can tell a good movie by how it resonates with me, and I am still thinking about it. I would highly recommend it to anyone. The soundtrack was wonderful, the imagery beautiful on th eyes, and the storyline inspiring to say the least.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
mr. roseola
She was right. As if parenting isn't hard enough, it seems that I continually learn about new stuff AS IT IS HAPPENING. Dr. Shulman promptly yelled at his nurses for suggesting that a fever could be a result of teething. Apparenlty 80% of kids under the age of 3 get roseola at some point, and it is highly contagious. The kicker is that it is most contagious before the rash presents itself, so you really don't know what it is until the end. I am convinced Isaac contracted it from one of his little friends, and returned the favor to several others over the course of the week.
To those babies with high fevers followed by rashes, and to those parents who are pulling their hair out... we're so sorry.
Our little man seems to be on the mend. He had a 3 hour nap in his stroller (yes he is not feeling well) at Topanga Mall. When we got home he was in good spirits, eating well, and (im crossing my fingers) seeming much more like himself.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
the first sweater
My current endeavor, a little sweater/jacket for me!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
trick or treat

We took Isaac to the Beeman park area to trick or treat. There was a carnival at the park, and the houses around had great decorations and fun jack o' lanterns.
and hey, who can pass up free candy.
As David said, we 'rented' Isaac just so we could score a little loot, but as rentals go, we thought he was the cutest, granted only, itsy bitsy spider out there.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
no folks, we're not in paris

the weekend started with a complete bag search at the airport (the baby food throws them every time) followed by a two hour check in a the hotel. there was an enormous line up, and we then proceeded to have an hour argument with the manager of the hotel because our rooms we're screwed up. by this point isaac was several hours overtired. we rushed him up for a nap, and then out to dinner at b&b ristorante (which is the one thing i would recommend from our weekend. mario does it again. delicious, simple, and wonderful. david and i went to see 'o' at the bellagio after dinner. we both had been wanting to see a cirquedusoliel performance for a while, so we thought we would check one out. perhaps it was the six guys behind us screaming profanities like "holy sh** balls" , and whistling at every topless dancer on stage (ok, i could write an entire blog entry on these guys. it started as humorous, and then became very grating. the slightest dive into the water by any of the performers caused all of then to scream 'unbelievable' in unison. there was constant shushing from those around us) , or the fact that we were exhausted... , but neither of us were too impressed. saturday we checked out the bellagio's water show, and took a dip with isaac prior to meeting at the buffet at 5pm. luckily seniors and babies are on the same schedule. david and i crashed at 8:45. oh, i haven't mentioned that we had isaac sleeping in a crib in our bathroom, so david took several middle of the night bathroom trips down to the hotel lobby any time he needed to pee. i on the otherhand held it because i was too darn tired to get up. it made for very uncomfortable sleeps as my bladder was dying to be relived. today david and i had massages at qua, caesars new spa. the facility was amazing, my treatment not so much. david really enjoyed his, and the hour or so away was so nice. we met my parents and jamie and allie for lunch at mesa grill. i wasn't so impressed with bobby's brunch, but it was fun to see what he had to offer. the margarita i had was the best part, and drinking at lunch is mandatory when on 'vacation' (in quotes. there really aren't any vacations when traveling with baby. they are now trips) the las vegas experience ended with a delayed flight, four hours in the airport, a very tired baby, and a cranky mom and dad.
later las vegas.
the end.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
toot toot ... he he
Yes, its exactly as it sounds. I was feeding Isaac his dinner of lentils, tofu, green beans, and spinach (probably cause for the toot toot part of the story) but anyway, he proceeded to toot toot, and then laugh hysterically. This happened twice during the meal. Needless to say, I was laughing too... and then made toot toot noises with my mouth which got yet another deep belly laugh out of him.
It is so fun to watch his sense of humor develop.
On a side note, Jessica Seinfeld just released a new book, "Deceptively Delicious". I want to kick myself in the butt for not putting this out first considering it is the way I have always done things around here. Anyway, maybe I will start compiling some of my recipes for a Soren Family Version in stores soon.
It is so fun to watch his sense of humor develop.
On a side note, Jessica Seinfeld just released a new book, "Deceptively Delicious". I want to kick myself in the butt for not putting this out first considering it is the way I have always done things around here. Anyway, maybe I will start compiling some of my recipes for a Soren Family Version in stores soon.
Monday, October 08, 2007
four front teeth

I am adoring his little toothy grin and his new sense of humor. He is now laughing because something is actually funny whereas he used to laugh as only a reflection to very silly expressions in our faces. Now you can get him to chuckle with a good game of peek-a-boo, bouncing a ball of his head, or even his devious new discovery of 'lets rip mom's magazine while she is reading it'. He finds all these things hilarious, and unfortunately for my discipline strategy, so do I.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
knit wit
Monday, September 24, 2007

Here were Isaac's stats from his latest doctors appontment:
Height 28" (50th percentile)
Weight 18lb 8oz (25th percentile)
His checkup went very well. Dr. Shulman was happy to see how well he was gaining weight. I spoke in length with him about the MMR vaccine that I am so anxious about. He was very understating and agreed to let me wait until 18 months before administering it. He is also letting me split up the measles, mumps, and rubella into three vaccines given a month or so apart. Yes that means three pokes of the needle, but if there is an inkling of a chance that there is a connection between autism and the MMR vaccine, I want to do what I can.
Some of Isaac's latest developments (and something new is happening every day)...
*** he can say mama and dada (although we are not sure it has anything to do with his parents)
*** he is crawling well
*** he can pull up on almost anything
*** he has started cruising around furniture and transferring from on thing to the next
*** he is waving
*** he is mastering the pincer grasp
*** today he started clapping
these are just a few of the many amazing things that Isaac has been picking up. cant wait to share more.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
the l.a. county fair

Saturday, September 22, 2007
our holiest day

Having a son has renewed my connection to Jewdiasm, and has reminded me of what a huge role it played in my upbringing. For our family it is the cultural aspects of being jewish that we most connect to. Food, family, song. The visceral and etherial. The soulful jourey; being part of something much bigger than ourselves. A reminder to live humbly and give often. Most importantly, a tie that binds generations.
f a m i l y
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Here is a little sample of Isaac's typical playtime. He is obsessed with things that make noise... and bashing the against other things that make noise... to make more noise.
row row row your boat
Im a posting this a little late as we just finished up the DVD in our camcorder. This is a moment from my time with the Sorens from our last trip to Toronto. They were singing in beautiful harmony to baby Isaac, as I watched completely perplexed from the sidelines. Singing in a circle (kumbaya style) was not something I grew up with… so as lovely as it is to watch… I am always taken a back… just a little.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
shana tova

Sunday, September 09, 2007
the soren family trust
When did we grow up???
Yesterday we visited a lawyer to get our will started... Not the most fun appointment we have had, but I suppose the question of: if your spouse dies and you are incapacitated, what should happen to issac? : is never very fun to think about, let alone answer.
Nevertheless, we took care of it, and it give us both some piece of mind.
Straight after the appointment, hubbie and i took of to the beach. We had a great lunch at Malibu Seafood, stopped at Diesel bookstore, and drove through an area called 'lake malibou'. David and I would love to stay in studio city, but we are always considering other alternatives. This was one that we wanted to check out, and although it was very pretty, it was not for us.
The few hours alone was great, and picking up isaac from bubie and papu's was like always, a fun reunion.
Yesterday we visited a lawyer to get our will started... Not the most fun appointment we have had, but I suppose the question of: if your spouse dies and you are incapacitated, what should happen to issac? : is never very fun to think about, let alone answer.
Nevertheless, we took care of it, and it give us both some piece of mind.
Straight after the appointment, hubbie and i took of to the beach. We had a great lunch at Malibu Seafood, stopped at Diesel bookstore, and drove through an area called 'lake malibou'. David and I would love to stay in studio city, but we are always considering other alternatives. This was one that we wanted to check out, and although it was very pretty, it was not for us.
The few hours alone was great, and picking up isaac from bubie and papu's was like always, a fun reunion.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
labor day weekend

HOT HOT HOT!!! Thats the only way I can describe the past weekend. It was 115 degrees in the valley and 85 in our house at most times. It was so unpleasant that we couldn't leave the house.
With that being said, we did get a double dose of Gehle Love. David and I met Shawn and Erin for dinner Saturday night at Lucques, one of our favorite eateries. It is always so nice to catch up with them, and share parenting war stories. We also spent time with the Gehles at my parents labor day get together. The bambinos played together, and we even snuck in a bath for the little ones. The evening ended with a little birthday celebration for Stella Beatrice. I wasn't willing to miss her 1st, so we made a mini one for her ourselves.
The thermostat is finally starting to drop, and with that... a little relief.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
One year ago today sorenspace was launched. I have so enjoyed my virtual journaling. Sorenspace has acted as a place to record thoughts and feelings from our day-to-day, as well as milestones, accomplishments, and simple pleasures. When I look through the past posts, I am happy with the record I have of this amazing year. I hope as Isaac gets older, he is able to read through the blog, and learn about the many intimate details of his family life growing up.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007
eight months young and on the move

After visiting Toronto last week, and seeing baby Dylan, it was so hard for me to believe that Isaac was ever that small. I think I was in such a haze those first couple months that I didn't realize just how tiny he was. Isaac looked like a full fledged grown up next to Dylan. With that being said, I love the stage that Isaac is at now. He is becoming a little person, and with this comes new challenges. It is no longer the sleepless nights that I struggle with, but rather the separation anxiety (he wants and needs his mommy and daddy) and his new movement (having to watch him like a hawk at all times). Oh, and after all my hard work... every other word out of his mouth is 'daddy'. It is pretty adorable, not that he has any idea what he is saying, but just hearing his tiny voice makes me smile.
Happy Big 8 Izzy. We love you!
Thursday, August 23, 2007 for the second time
A few days later daddy flew in, and we stayed at the soren's house. Again he slept great in their pack and play. There was lot of singing, and playing. Gramma babysat so mom and dad could go our for a few hours. We even got to go to gramma joyce's 90th birthday party.
We made it home, and are now coping with the time change in this direction. Isaac is up around 5 every morning which leaves a very tired mom and dad. AND flying with an infant is EXHAUSTING. I need a vacation from my vacation.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
happy birthday stella bella
shawn + erin, your friendship and support during this difficult first year is a huge part of how i manage. i love being able to call you up and ask you anything, and you are always there with a sensible, compassionate answer.
erin, you have acted as my 'big sis' through this experience, and i love you and stella dearly. you are such a wonderful mom and should be proud of your accomplishments during your first year. i look forward to many years to come.
the sorens love the gehles and thats all there is to it.
Monday, August 20, 2007
cora kay barillaro
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
dylan ryan kohn geist
Sunday, August 12, 2007
family picnic

Today was the first family picnic we have had with all of ladies I share the Mother's Gathering with. We met at Coldwater Canyon Park for a mini potluck, and lots of laughs with our little ones. Four chocolate chip cookies later (thanks Elaine!), and half a beer to wash it down... we were ready to call it a day. Again, I cant reiterate how important the relationships with these women are to me, and how each week I learn a little something about myself as a mother from their own trials and tribulations. The ebbs and flows of motherhood are truly something that only another mother could understand, and I am so grateful that I have twelve of them I can call on at anytime for anything.
With that being said, it was lovely meeting everyones spouses, and seeing all of the daddies with their children. I have been so curious what the fathers look like, because of course the babies are a reflection of both mommy and daddy. Today I was able to put the puzzle pieces together.
I will make sure that this is only one of many events to come. I so enjoyed spending time with everyone, and only wish there was more time to get to know some of the people I didn't get to chat with. Till next time...
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
all by ourselves
This post is coming a few days late, because as always it takes forever to get to the 'non- isaac related' things on my list. This past weekend David and I had our first night away from Isaac, and I think both of us would agree that it ROCKED! It was a bit of a bitch to pump every night for a couple weeks before to get enough milk to leave the little guy... but man was it worth it. The good news is, I pumped it all back while he was away.
David and I spent our blissful day together at the beach, getting massages, enjoying a relaxing dinner, pancakes for breakfast (without taking turns eating while the other entertained Isaac), and seeing the borne ultimatum (man are we starved for movies). Every part of the day was perfect, and spending time with my hubby - solo - was the best part. We have vowed to do it more often.
It is upon spending time alone that we could reflect on how much our life has changed. We both have agreed that we are just starting to get adjusted to our new life, and just beginning to miss our old life a little less. In having 30 hours to ourselves, we cherished all the things we used to take for granted.
David and I spent our blissful day together at the beach, getting massages, enjoying a relaxing dinner, pancakes for breakfast (without taking turns eating while the other entertained Isaac), and seeing the borne ultimatum (man are we starved for movies). Every part of the day was perfect, and spending time with my hubby - solo - was the best part. We have vowed to do it more often.
It is upon spending time alone that we could reflect on how much our life has changed. We both have agreed that we are just starting to get adjusted to our new life, and just beginning to miss our old life a little less. In having 30 hours to ourselves, we cherished all the things we used to take for granted.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
a mother's haven - session 3

I have been attending a mother's haven's mother's gathering since isaac was seven weeks old... and now all the babies are seven months. It has been so great seeing each of the little ones grow and develop in their own ways. One of my close friends Elaine who has been there since the beginning so eloquently wrote:
Oh so long ago, on a particularly trying February afternoon, six-week-old Riley and I made our way to The Right Start in Sherman Oaks to purchase (if memory serves correctly) Diaper Dekor bags and a few “never-knew-I-needed-these-too” baby products. It must have been my bleary eyes and dazed expression or perhaps my spit-up stained XXL maternity t-shirt that gave me away as a new mom urgently in need of some support and camaraderie. The sales clerk referred me to A Mother’s Haven, and the rest, as they say, is history. Five months and twenty (!) classes later, I thank my lucky stars that I joined our wonderful group. It has made all the difference is this grand adventure called motherhood.
Need I say more?
Friday, August 03, 2007
saffron rouge

The best part... its a Canadian company, of course!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
siete... ALREADY!

Saturday, July 21, 2007
all smiles with a couple teeth

Monday, July 16, 2007
lucky duckies

Thursday, July 12, 2007
sitting pretty

On a completely different note, he has also begun eating rice cereal. I have been mixing it with different fruits and veggies, and he seems very fond of it. He also loves avocado and tofu (like mother like son), but his all time favorite to date - nectarines. He slurps them up with excitement.
In addition he has started laughing at the characters on sesame street. It is really funny to watch the expressions on his face. He used to just seemed fascinated, but now he seems to almost be interacting. He has preferences for characters, Sunffy being his favorite.

Also today, we took our first trip to the grocery store where Isaac sat in the cart. We used our new cart cover which worked out perfectly. Mr. Elephante, and Horse Hair Willie came along with us for the trip (the also conveniently helped to prop Isaac up). It was so much fun to introduce him to different kinds of produce. He seemed enamored by all of the textures and smells. When we got the the water bottle section he was blown away as he is incredibly fond of them.
It seems like every day he is doing something new, moving slightly differently, and becoming more of a little boy. It is so exciting to watch and such a close distance.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my chuckling duckling
Isaac has just started to chuckle, giggle, laugh. All of it is totally delicious.
Here's a sneak peek...
Here's a sneak peek...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
the 4th
In celebration of the first American Soren, we hosted a 4th of July BBQ. There was a delicious menu that everyone contributed to, and wonderful Watermelon Margaritas care of mixologist 'a. friedman'. It was so nice to have the Gehles there. Stella and Isaac went for a swim, and enjoyed the afternoon outdoors. We finished the evening off with a flag cake and some fireworks. Not so bad for a party hosted by us Canadians.
Friday, June 29, 2007
isaac's six month checkup

Weight: 15lb 7oz.
(15th percentile)
Height: 25 1/2"
(30th percentile)
We asked about Isaac's recent crankiness, or what I like to call, who took my baby and left me with the devil (just kidding). I attribute it to teething. Dr. Shulman does not think teething is the reason, and believes it is more likely the age. When I got home I noticed a second tooth popping through (bottom left). I am now convinced my little guy is in pain. In addition, the Tylenol we have been giving for the vaccinations seems to be making him less cranky. Maybe its helping the teeth???
Anyway, other than the teething stuff, he spoke with us briefly about feeding. He seemed to think we could give Issac anything we wanted with the exception of peanut butter and honey. Everything I have read gives some limitations per age. I think we will fall somewhere in the middle, being cautiously forward minded about the whole thing. Hey in India, babies are eating curry by now.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
izzy's 6 month birthday
That little bundle, wrapped in the cedars blanket, and turned my life upside down... or maybe right side up. I love my life. I love my Isaac. Everything is in the right place.
summer is here
Thursday, June 21, 2007
a tooth!

Sunday, June 17, 2007
daddy's day

David wrote a long and thoughtful blog entry... and the technical gods somehow threw it away. So I wanted to write a quick entry to say : happy daddys day! It has been so amazing to watch the bond grown between David and Isaac. When David walks in the room or comes home from work, Isaac lights up. He loves his daddy time in the morning and evening too. We love you and are so thankful for all of your help and support.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
starting solids

As uncle andrew so poignantly commented:
Look out foie gras and caviare!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
snacking and pulling on mommy

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
isaac's first trip to Tdot (toronto)

Papa and gramma put a lot of time and energy into preparing their home for izzy, and it worked beautifully. The transition to the pack and play was seamless. He slept through the night the entire time, and was in a great mood. He visited with all of his cousins, aunts and uncles and friends which seemed overwhelming for the little one, but he handled it great.
Now that we are home it seems that Isaac is still adjusting. Last night he was up a couple times which is very unusual for him, but I think it is the time change, and am hoping in the next couple days we return to his old fabulous sleep schedule.
All in all a great trip, exhausting but totally necessary.
Couldn't have been that bad because we already booked tickets to return in August. Cant wait to see everyone again.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
dos anos
Sunday, May 13, 2007
my first mother's day

I had a wonderful first mother's day, and feel so lucky to be a part of this new group of worriers. As the book my mom bought me for mothers day says, "motherhood is not for sissies"... and amen to that sisters.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Stephen S. Wise

David and I have been looking to join a synagogue for quite a while and we finally have found on that feels like home. Lat week we took a tour of the campus, and yesterday we joined Stephen S. Wise Synagogue. They have a BEAUTIFUL facility with lots of family activities. They also have elementary, junior high, and high school if we choose to go that route. In addition, I am going to be doing a mommy and me class with Isaac starting in July. We are really excited to be members of this new community.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
4 month checkup
Here are Isaac's stats from his four month checkup:
Weight: 13lb.8oz. (25 percentile)
Height: 24" (35 percentile)
The doc was very pleased and thought he looked terrific.
Little Izzy woke up with a low grade fever ( a reaction to his vaccinations), but seems to be doing much better now. The doc also thought we could start "sleep training" isaac to sleep through the night (which means dropping his once a night feeding). The past two nights he has slept through the night on his own, so I am hoping there wont need to be a lot of crying in the near future.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
happy 4 month
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